Chapter 26

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"I forfeit" he said witch made your eyes go wide. He smirks at me. Genma announced me winner but it didnt feel like a win. I could have totally messed him up. We started walking back to the stairs when he jogged over to me. "One day you will be mine and not his." And when I looked over at him he was gone. I walked back to the stadium seats we were all at and thought. 'I won't be his I'm already married and have kids, I am happily in love I dont want him. He's just a psychopath' some more matches had gone by and I wasnt really paying attention, which I knew kakashi could tell because he keeps glancing my way with worry on his face.

He walked over to me and leaned on. the railings. "What's wrong (y/n) you looked stressed." He asked still looking at the match at play right now. "Its nothing dont worry." I said and went to walk away. A hand wrapped around my wrist, I turned around and kakashi was looking dead at me. "Its definitely something and whether you tell me or not won't stop my from worrying it's just how I worry and about what. If you dont tell me I'm going to assume the worst but if you tell me I can help you." He said not letting go of my wrist. You looked at him trying to decide if I should tell him or not. "Kabuto the one I fought asked me out before we left the forest of death and I told him no." I started. "Yeah i already know that Naruto told me, I'm not happy i did it but you turned him down so we dont have to worry right." Kakashi said looking at me like he was going to lose me. "After the match he told me he will have me instead of you by any means and I guess I'm just scared I dont wanna leave you I dont want to go anywhere." You said and soon found the floor more interesting. He grabbed your chin and turned you towards him. "I would never let anyone get you, I love you nobody will stop that." He leand down and gave you a kiss with the mask on because we were in public.
The matches were done and kakashi amd I had gone to tsunade to talk about the situation with Kabuto for fear he might attempt a kidnapping. "She is not to leave your side." Was her order kakashi took it and said we were going to train sasuke for the month. We were half way through the month and kakashi and sasuke were by the bolder training sasuke's chidori. I was sitting by the camp spot reading.

Suddenly I found that something was covering my eye sight and went to go scream but the attackers hand was put on my mouth. I bit down on the hand and he removed it. I went to scream but instead felt a sharp pain to my head and I could feel myself going to sleep. When I woke up I found I was in an empty room tied to a chair. "I didn't want to knock you out but I couldn't have you alerting anyone." A voice came from be hind me I couldn't see them. I tried to speak but all that cam out was muffled I had something blocking my mouth. The person came behind me and untied whatever was behind my mouth. "Who are you and why have you taken me here?" I immediately questioned my kidnapper.

"I'm offended, my little blossom didnt recognize me." My breath hitched, it was HIM. "Look if you let me leave then I won't tell anyone and you can go about your way and I'll go about my own I dont want any trouble." I tried to talk it out, he scared me I'll give him that. "And why would I do that my blossom, were finally together I want to enjoy my time with you."

My mind started to run laps around my head. "Wait you dont want to do this Kabuto. Please I'm begging you just let me go before things go too far." I again tried to convene him. He walked towards me. He knelt by my neck, I took in a breath and held it. I felt him put his mouth on my neck and tried to get as far away from him. He held my head onto he otherside and sicked on my neck. He backed away a little bit and walked in front of me. He leand down to my ear.

"Your mine now, I'm letting you leave for now just to not cause suspicions. I will get you back but for now I have a meeting I must get to. I'm going to knock you out and leave you outside free to leave, but remember I will come back and I will get you." Wiyj that he brought a cloth to my face and next thing I knew I was sitting outside reating against a tree.

I got up and walked towards where I felt konaha was. I found myself in the middle of the city and ran to the hokage office. I burst in and tsunade eyes were wide. "Where have you been for the past week and a half." She asked me and I got confused I had been out for that long, now wasnt the time to think about that. "I was kidnapped m'lady. Kabuto took me when kakashi was practicing with sasuke and returned me. But not unscathed." I said as I breathed heavily from running so much. "What do you mean unscaved what happened." I pulled my jackets color down to show her the bruse on my neck Kabuto had left. "He said that he was letting me go for now and he was coming back for me. Said he would take me back." Tsunades eyes changed to one of concentration.

She called an Abu into the room and commanded that he retrieve kakashi. After we waited a little while kakashi appeared and looked around when he spotted me he raced to me. I looked at him I had missed him I wanted to stay with him. He hugged me and didnt let go. Tsunade cleared her through and kakshi let go of me to look at her. "Kakashi (y/n) was kidnapped by Kabuto." His eyes widened and he looked at me. "He let her go and said he would be back. Our job is to make sure she doesnt leave our sight. I told you once to not let her out of you sights but obviously this was too much on your plate with training sasuke and trying to watch her. She will stay with kuranai until the final exams. I know this must be alot for you to take in but just know that you were one of our best ninja this is not your fault I knew he would be a formidable opponent and I shouldn't have put it all on you. You will have the rest of today until she will be with kurani bave fun dismissed." We nodded and left, I looked at kakashi to see his head hanging low.

"Kakashi what's wro......"

"I'm sorry I should have been able to protect you but I couldn't. He snuck right under me and took you away from me. How could I have let....." you grabbed him and pulled his mask down swiftly and connected your lips to his. He mumbled into the kiss before relaxing and returning the kiss. You pulled away to catch your breathe. "Kakashi I'm fine no damage was dealt I'm ok. I'm back with you, I dont want to be away from you and he won't win." He looked at you and gave you another sweet and short kiss through his replaced mask. He put his hand on your neck and the jacket neck went down with the weight of his hand. He looked down and saw the mark Kabuto left. His eyes concentrated on it, you looked down amd saw what he was looking at. "Its not what you think, he did it I tried to get away but......."

"No I felt that he wouldn't have not touched you I mean I can. Hardly keep myself from you. I'm pissed off about it bit not at you. It's not your fault you were kidnapped." He looked down. "Its not your fault either." I told him. "How can you say that I was supposed to protect you but instead I let him take you from you!" He was fristraighted amd I could tell. "Kakashi you were busy i wouldn't want you to neglect your other students for little old me. I had faith i would get back to you and I did." He looked up and let out a deep breath. "I know it's just frustraighting to know he took you so easily." We left and went to continue the day until it was time for me to Go with kurani.

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