Chapter 16: bell test part 2

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A/n: please remember that I have changed the age of them and right now they are about 19 they were 18 when they got married. Thank you please continue.

3rd POV

You look at him and say, "well I sure hope you like me." You say with a smile

Sasuke looked disgusted and looked at you and stated, " eewww do that on your own time I have a bell to get." Kakashi chuckled at this and then yelled "START". In an instant everyone was gone and hidden, that is except for naruto. He was talking about wanting a fair fight even tho there is no such thing with a jonin and a genin.

He and Kakashi started fighting with taijutsu, well really it was naruto trying to attack him but kakashi dodged all of his attacks while reading his favorite book. Everyone was quiet while watching what was happening everything was ok until Kakashi was behind him with a hand sign that the others thought could actually hurt him.

Sakura yelled "watch out naruto" but was too late because Kakashi was already in the act and poked naruto in the butt which resulted in him flying into the pond. When he came out he threw 2 shuriken at kakashi. This didn't raise any commotion in kakashi he just caught them in between his two fingers. Then naruto had a bunch of shadow clones come out of the water and attack Kakashi but kakashi got away and naruto and his clones started fighting over which one was "kakashi".

Whole naruto was fighting himself kakashi went to find (y/n). When he found her hiding in the top of a tree he snuck behind her and waited. "Where on earth did Kakashi-sensei go." You say to yourself. "Oh we are back to sensei now huh." Kakashi said which startled her and she fell on the ground. Kakashi jumped down to be on the same level as her. "Kakashi-sensei you scared me." She said as she started blushing like crazy. "Aww are you blushing how cute." Kakashi said as he got down in a crouch. He grabbed 4 kunai and some rope and pinned her to the ground with it one kunai and a piece of rope for each limb. He then reached down her leg to her calf and started to run his hand up her leg. "Kakashi-sensei what are you doing this is not a ninja tactic." You say as you try to act mad at him. "Oh so you want me to stop ok." He said expecting a reply while he unlined you from the ground.

When you were free you just crossed your arms and stood up. Kakashi processed what was happening and he teleported behind you. "Is someone jealous because I basically fingered naruto, she it's ok if it help your way more fun and its cute when you get flustered." He said trying to get a rise out of you which worked. You turned around and prepared to punch him saying "how dare you hatake I'm trying to be serious." You say now red as a tomato from blushing so hard. He caught your fist and leaned in. "See cute when your flustered, oh and dont worry I will repay you tonight." He said with a wink. Then yall both herd naruto yelling about being caught in a trap. "Well that's my cue see ya later tonight." He smiled then poofed away.

( ok guys that's all the fighting imma write you should know it I just needed to get to the part where this happened but you know the gist. So time skip to right after he starts the lecture about teamwork.)

"I'll give yall one more chance but naruto is not eating lunch and you cannot feed him also you won't be doing this part of the challenge with (y/n) so shes comeing with me yall need to figure out how to work together and if yall feed naruto yall all fail even (y/n) so dont let anyone down." Kakashi says as he grabs you and yall teleport to a hidden place in the forest where yall could still see them.

"Ok (y/n) so when we are alone it is better if you just call me kakashi and on certain missions I tell y po u but when we are with team 7 you must call me sensei." Kakashi tells you. "Oh right I forgot you have a sensei kink so this test must have killed you huh Kakashi-sensei." You say with a smug grin on your face. Kakashi grunts "you better watch it (y/n) your already getting it today I would be careful of what you say." He says. Just then you look over to your team. "Oh by the way sensei they shared food with naruto." You said as you smiled.

Kakashi poofed over there and left you behind to walk. He scared them before telling them that they passed the test. After that yall went to go get ramen.


(Y/n) POV

After the team was done me and kakashi were saying by and that we had to go pick up the kids when they all said they had to go too so we all just went to pick our kids up.

After you got the kids yall went home and played with the kids for a little while then you went to get the kids food ready. You and kakashi fed them while watching the kids channel. Soon the kids were done and asleep so yall went upstairs and put them in the bed. After that was done Kakashi grabbed you and picked you up bridal style. You gasped and said "what are you doing kakashi." He looked at you before saying "pay back time" and with that yall went to the bedroom.

Hey guys I know it's been a while but I just didnt have the motivation to write and I've been swamped with gymnastics and school but I should be posting another chapter soon sorry it took so long. The question of the update is "what is your favorite fight scene?" Mine is jariah vs pain. Also I realize I didnt answer the last question but my favorite naruto character is Kakashi. As always please like comment and follow please and thank you all who have stayed and read this far. Also I was going to post an update on Kakashis birthday it was going to be a special that had nothing to do with the plot but it was cute so if you want me to post that please say that in the comments and in will post that based on how yall react. Till next update.

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