Chapter 3

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Kakashi's POV

I got up at 6:00 to make sure u would be at (y/n)'s house on time I got up got dressed ate brushed my teeth and hair and left at 6:45. As I got to (y/n)'s house I got to the door and it was locked ot was totally quiet so i did what any person would do and jumped in her bedroom window. As I got in I realized that (y/n) was not awake yet. "So peaceful and cute" you say to yourself." You start to get closer to her and brushed a few hairs behind her head this woke her up and she squeaked. "Umm what are you doing in my house Kakshi-sensei?" She asked as she tried to hid under her covers. "Umm I told you I would be here at 7:00 (y/n) its 7:07 what do you mean." You said as you chuckle at her reaction. "Well then you could have knocked on the front door like a normal person." "Oh sorry I didnt think that I had to do that to someone who is moving into my house." You state. "Well let me get ready and I'll meet you downstairs ok Sensei?" She said. "Yeah ok but why not just come on we are already behind schedule just wear what you are wearing and come ok." "Um no can do." "Why not?" You asked slightly confused. "Um sensei could you just go." She asked slightly blushing. "Why are you being so shy just come on." "Sensei I'm not wearing close." She said. You started to blush and said "oh ok I'll just wait in the liveing room." "Ok" she said as he leaves.

(Y/n) POV

You got out of bed and grabbed the clothes in your closet a black tank top and some blue shorts. You brush your teeth and brush your hair putting it in a messy bun on top of your hair. You go to the liveing room and saw kakashi-sensei sitting and reading his makeout tactics book. "Um well all the boxes are in my room I just need to pack a few little things." You did to him. He glances at you and puts his book in his vest standing up and walking towards you. "I will start to grab the boxes and you finish packing." You nod your head and the both of you walked to your bedroom, he grabbed some boxes and left. You start to take off your bedding and packed it you grab a picture of you and your parents and packed it as well. You go to the bathroom and pack your makeup, toothbrush, some towels, and your hairbrush. You pick up the box you just packed and walked to put it into the car you came back inside and went to grab the box with some of the other stuff you bend over to pick up a box but find it is really heavy you pull as hard as you could and it wouldn't budge so you kept on trying. Little did you know kakshi was back and was watching you. You pulled up on the box and slipped falling onto your butt right in front of Kakshi-sensei's feet he chuckled and walked to the box picking it up. "Hey I was grabbing that box." You said as he started heading to the door. "Well you looked like you were struggling to pick it up." I was not I just slipped right before picking it up." You reply. "Well what about the other attempts." He said with a chuckle. "Oh you saw that." You said while blushing. "Its fine (y/n) just go grab the last box and come on." You did what he said and went to the car. You got in and he drove to his house. When you got there you grabbed a box and so did he you approached the door and he opened it you walked in and were suprised to find how big it was. You gazed in awe. It was a two story house"Um our rooms are upstairs, the middle door in the bathroom the room to the left is guest room number 1 witch you can stay in and my room is to the right." Kakshi told you as he went in and put your box in the guest room. You did the same and yall carried all the boxes in. When you were done you went downstairs and stood at the bottom of the stairs. "Um the room on the right down there is the 2nd guest room and to the left is another bathroom. Just make yourself at home and there is a shower in the downstairs bathroom and a tub in the upstairs bathroom feel free to use either. The liveing room and kitchen are also downstairs. Im ganna run to the store I'll be back." Kakshi said as he went to leave. "Just be careful it's supposed to storm." You said as he leaves he nods at you and shuts the door. You go upstairs grab your shampoo and conditioner along with body wash and head downstairs to take a shower you you hop in the shower. After you are done you get dressed and went to the liveing room sat on the couch to read a book you had checked out of the library. It started to rain and thunder outside and you hopped Kakashi-sensei was ok. About 20 minutes later you looked at the clock. "Is he ok he said he would be right back?" Aboyt 3 minutes later the door opened and you looked up in suprise to see kakshi carrying groceries. He took them to the kitchen and you followed. "I can make something for lunch if you want." You said trying to be nice. "Yeah ok I'm ganna go lay down in my bed." He left and you made some pork fried rice and some tea. As you were finishing up you set them on the table and went to get Kakshi-sensei. You went to his door and knocked. No reply. You knock again with no reply you slowly walk over to him and saw he was asleep. "He must be tired." You said as you started to leave you went and ate your food and went to read. About an hour passes and still no Kakshi-sensei so you go to check on him. You walked to the side of his bed and notice he was sweating, but he has no blanket on you started to worry and felt his forehead, he had a fever. You start to take off what he was wearing leaving him in his under shorts and t-shirt. You went to the kitchen and grabbed a rag and wet it with cold water ring it out and went back to Kakshi-sensei's room laying it on his four head. You went to get his food from lunch and heated it up bringing it into his room you grabbed the rag off his forehead and it was already hot. You were worried but knew it was not the virus because a fever was not something that happened dureing rhe effects of the virus. You knew because you helped watch your mother and father while they had the virus. You wet the towel and grabbed a bucket of cold water and went back to his room you shook him lightly and he opened his eye and asked "qhats going on?" "Dont worry you have a fever and still haven't eaten and need to so I made pork fried rice here." You said as you gave him the plate he slowly ate and when he finished you took it to the kitchen to clean you came back and he was asleep you reapplied the cold rag on his forehead. You were worried and just watched him a he slept. Every time the rag was hot you would replace it until you eventually fell asleep.

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