Chapter 39

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In the midst of the fighting I had cut up the dress enough were I could actually fight. Kakashi and I were back to back and they were circling us. We had already been fighting for what seemed hours. We had everyone clear out of the ballroom for their safety and all the decorations were unrecognizable at this point. "We have to finish this soon I'll run out of chakra if we dont." I told kakashi as I flung a chair at one of the men. "Ok I might have a plan. Can you still use your vines?" I nodded my head. "Ok so I want you to sprout vines underneath them to hold their footing into place. After you do that I'll ready a chidory and I want you to take a vine and wrap it around my leg and swing me so I can hit every ninja in one blow of my chidori then use ur vines and tie them quickly." I looked at him and nodded more fiercely. "Ok watch my back this might take a little longer because my chakra is getting low."

I closed my eyes and sensed where all of their feet were. I sprout vines up breaking the floor tiles and wrap them around their feet. I look up and they are all struggling to break free, screaming, and trying to cut the vines. I look to kakashi who is making hand signs and starting a chidori one of my vines wraps around his leg and angle tightly and as his chidori starts I swing him in a circle. He hits all the men and I wrap them all in a giant bundle of vines.

I look to kakashi who is still trying to gain his footing again and walk to talk to him. "What are we going to do with them now?" He looked at me. "I say we put them in the dungeon and take one with us back to konaha for interrogation." We walk over to them and begin asking questions. "Why are you here and who sent yall?" Nobody answered so I took a kunai and stabbed one in the arm. He cried out in pain and kakashi looked at me with wide eyes. I didnt kill the guy alright, all I did was snap a tendon in his arm. Painful enough for him to start talking but not enough to kill him.

"Now answer the question or the other arm gets the same treatment." He looked terrified and glanced at kakashi amd back at me. "They didnt tell us anything other than to attack here during the ball. They didnt tell us who they were just that if we got the princess we would be heavily paid." He was breathing hard and I looked up. He doesnt know anymore than what he just told us it seems and non of them seem to actually know what is going on. If they were the only ones comming then this mission shouldn't have been an S rank. Maybe the kingdom over stated the importance to ensure we would come but this was almost too easy.

Later the guards came and took the ninja's or bandits whatever you want to call them and we talked to the king. Who thanked us for keeping everyone safe and forgave the damages to the ballroom. "You can stay the night and set off in the morning. I'll have William and Ms. Youn bring yall a change of clothes." We nodded. I removed the engagement ring from my finger, "here sir I believe this belongs to you." I walked up to give it to him but he shook his head. "I would like you to keep it, for it is only a replica of the engagement ring and will serve as a token of our gratitude as a kingdom for keeping us and our royal lineage safe." I was at a loss for words, "oh sir I couldnt possibly.." he cut me off, "I would be highly offended if you did not keep the gift, I insist." I put it back on and stepped back into line with kakashi. "You are dismissed and again thank you." Me and kakashi nodded and turned to leave.

"Ok Ms. (Y/n) we have to go this way and the designer will assist you in taking off your dress." I nodded and began walking away with william when someone grabbed my wrist. I turned with a questioning look to see kakashi was the one who grabbed my wrist. "Actually I'd like her to stay in my room tonight, I'll help her with the dress." He looked up and made eye contact with william who nodded, "well then me and Ms. Youn will go grab your clothes wont we." She nodded quickly with a blush and scurried off with william to fetch clothes.

I looked back at kakashi while saying, "Kakashi now it looks like we are up to something." I finished turning around to see him right at my face. "Ok good, I've been waiting to get william off you this whole mission." You scoffed, "yeah, you say that as if Ms. Youn wasnt all over you." I roll my eyes and look away. He turned my face and kisses me while teleporting to his room. He pushes me against the wall and began to unbutton his vest.

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