Chapter 4

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Kakashi's POV

I woke up and saw the love of my life still asleep beside me. I smiled to myself. I can't believe I got so lucky to end up to her. Kakashi thought to himself, I looked at her I wanted to stay longer but I have some things to prepare for later. I slowly got out of the bed and tucked (y/n) back into bed I kissed her and went to the bathroom I took a shower. When I got out I brushed my hair and got dressed in my usual jonin uniform and put my mask on. I opened the door to leave and heard (y/n) getting up. "Kakashi where are you?" I heard the sound of her voice and I wanted to stay there but I needed to leave I'll pay her back later. I got out and closed the door and teleported to my first destination.


(Y/n) POV

I woke up to an empty bed next to I wondered where Kakashi went. "Kakashi where are you." You asked but the only response was the sound of the door clicking closed. "He doesn't want to spend time with me he is always gone." You said to yourself. You got up and got ready for school that day and ate some breakfast before leaving and locking the house.

At school:

"(Y/n) have you heard, Kiba and his wife are pregnant and so is choji and his wife." Sakura told you as you walked into class. "That leaves you and 2 other couples left that are not pregnant." Ino said as if you didnt already know. "(Y/n) how are you and Kakashi-sensei now since you know he kissed that other girl, where is sensei." Hinata asked you worried about what you had told her yesterday. "We are fine it was just a misunderstanding, and I dont know where he is he left before I got up this morning." You answered takeing your seat. As a substitute sensei walked inside the classroom. Where is kakashi, is he ok did he get sent on a mission? No he would have told me right. You thought to yourself as the sub said "Hello class I will be here instead of Kakashi as he is busy today my name is Gemma, but he will be back tomorrow." "Um do you know what he is doing." You asked the new sensei. "I heard he was planning something for someone but that is of no conserd to you miss please sit down and where us your husband." The sub answered you with a question of his own. 'Um he is busy that's all I have been informed sir." What exactly is he doing miss." "Um I dont know you just told me he was planning something." You replied. "Oh so your his wife ok well we will begin class now." He said as he smiled at you. You were a little creeped out by his smile. Where was Kakshi when you need him. You went through the school day clueless about what was going to go on later today. "So (y/n) you think he is planning take you on a date." Sakura asked. "How would I know? Plus dont they usually ask you before planning it?" You said back to her. "Yeah usually but he is already your husband he already knows you will probably say yes, so after school you wanna go shopping to find a cute out fit to wear to the date." She asked. " you dont even know he is going to take me on a date Sakura." "Oh come on (y/n) dont you wanna look cute?" Sakura practically begged you to let her help you get ready so you gave in and after the both of you went to the mall and decided on what you would wear. You found a cute sleeveless black and dark blue dress with lace around the chest but not to far and lace around the edges of the bottom. It was slightly poofy at the bottom but not to much and it was comfortable as well.
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