Chapter: 37

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A week later:

I've learned proper etiquette, how to ballroom dance, had dress fittings, and met all the friends of the Princess for the ball which is tomorrow. I've only seen Kakashi in passing since our last encounter and he only gives me a head nod. I thought we had made some progress in our relationship that is anything but normal but he has gone back to the normal life like nothing happened. Right now I'm enjoying some free time. I've been a busy body since we started this mission and finally have a minute to breathe. I don't necessarily have anything to do so I'm sitting on the bed while playing with some crystallized vine leaves. I toss them into the air and stab the padding I put onto the ceiling into my bed, waiting for them to fall and repeat. It's kind of a training exercise because it keeps me on my toes and these things are sharp so if I don't catch them they will stab me but really I'm just bored. Maybe I should steal Kakashi's book? Nah, I don't even know what it's about.

*knock knock* "Come in" in walked william, "Ma'am your dress is done, we need you to put it on and then you'll change into formal wear for your dinner with the king and queen." I got up and got ready to go. When we got into the room William was ushered away and I tried the dress on. It fit perfectly and I didn't actually know how to walk in it to actually function but whatever.

Next thing William comes in and gives me another less poofy dress for tonight. I walk outside and begin walking to the dining room and meet up with Kakashi and Ms. Youn. "Hey, how was your day?" I asked him as we continued walking. He was in a white button up shirt and black dress pants. All he did was give me a head nod again and a thumbs up while continuing to read his book. He is really making me mad. I snatched his book out of his hand and closed it. "Excuse you, that's my book-" I looked at William, "Please take this to my room." "Yas m'lady" he began walking away and Kakashi began to follow before I grabbed his wrist, "We have somewhere to be."

"You had no right to do that, that was my-" the door opened and he looked up and glared at me before clearing his throat. You took your seat and Kakashi sat next to you.

We heard the door open and stood up and bowed. "His majesty king Edward" he walked in and sat after he sat down we did too. The food was brought in and our plates were made. But the room was dead silent. "I was promised a couple that could fool the attackers but here we sit and you haven't looked at each other since I sat down." "We will get the mission done, your highness we were just waiting for the ball." Kakashi answered, he hadn't taken his mask off yet. "Sir, if I may ask how we will pull this off if we don't look like the prince and princess." I asked. "Oh yes I thought yall already knew. You ma'am are half right this young man here looks nothing like prince Zoko but the kingdoms have not seen him, for he has not been introduced to the public so no problems there. But my daughter is a very prominent figure in our society but that is why we asked for you because you look really similar to my daughter almost like her twin so things should go smoothly."

The rest of dinner went smoothly. When it was finished the king left and mean kakashi got up to leave. As we were walking to my Room kakashi followed me into my Room. I turned and asked him, "What are you doing here?" " I'm here for the book you stole from me. "he said. "Nobody said I was gonna give it back to you, I took it for a reason." I shut the door. "Oh yeah what's that?" I annoyingly chuckled, "Don't go acting like you don't know." I said as I turned around to look at him. "Yeah well why don't you enlighten me."

"Fine I will you have ignored me and given me the cold shoulder all week. I thought we got somewhere but you're further away from me than when we started. This is never going to work if you treat me like a stranger." I finished with a huff. "THATS BECAUSE YOU ARE A STRANGER." I paused in my tracks. "What?" He stood up off my bed. "You're not the person I fell in love with, not my wife and we don't have to treat each other that way. You have no feelings for me and I'm trying to learn how to live without you because right now I'm alone." He sighed and turned around. "HOW CAN YOU TELL ME WHAT FEELINGS I DO AND DON'T HAVE FOR ANYONE. I HAVE SO MANY MIXED EMOTIONS INSIDE ME AND I CAN BARLEY PROCESS THEM BY THEM SELF LET ALONE FIGHTING TO THE SURFACE. But what I do know is that I can't seem to live without you because this past week has been like hell."

Kakashi whispered something but I couldnt here it. "What was that." "I said it was hard for me too." He is very confusing. "Then why did you do it." I asked. "Because when I look at you I want you nobody else just you."

"Then what's stopping you?" He looked at me. I stepped closer. "I dont think I can handle this if I'm doing this I dont know how it will be when i remember things you don't." He looked scared. "Then let's restart, make new memories." I grabbed his mask and began inching it down. His hand flew to my wrist. I stopped and looked into his eyes. And kissed his hand, he released his grip on my hand and I continued to pull down his mask. I paused to look at him. He was so handsome it was like the first time seeing him all over again. I brought my face closer to his and our lips met. It was like heaven, like the last puzzle piece you lost from a puzzle had finally been found and put together.

So thoughts I know its been awhile but since when is it jot when I post haha. Hopefully I'll be able to post more since school is finally out but jo promises.

But what do you think of this chapter good bad ok? Let me know how I can improve.

I was a little too ambitious last time with the 55 like goal bit can we reach at least 20 before the next post that would be great.

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