|Chapter 19| Sylvia.

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Hey! Just a small disclaimer: Remember! Sylvia is 15, Zeref is like, 41. Not cute. K.

Sylvia pried her eyes open. She felt like she'd been sleeping for days.

And, strange enough, had one of the most terrifying dreams she'd ever have.

She felt the comfort of the bed beneath her as she used her elbow to prop herself up and feel her forehead with her other hand. She concluded that she was fine, there was no pain, she was just groggy.

And sore. Why was she sore?

She flipped herself around and laid her head back on the pillow, still getting her thoughts and vision in order.

Then she realized.

There was someone else in her bed.

Her eyes widened as she took in his delicate features.

And she realized, once more, what was happening. The dream she had last night was in fact not a dream.

This wasn't her bed. This wasn't her room. And the man next to her was King Zeref, who was at least 20 years older than her.

Out of pure panic, she scrambled up and out of the bed. Lights turned on, which got her into sensory overload. They were magic, something only the nobles could afford. She squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to adjust to the surprise lighting in the room.

Zeref startled awake, and seemed to mutter something to himself before getting out of bed himself.

Now they were on either side of the bed, just staring at each other.

Sylvia's eyes darted around the room, looking for an escape. She knew better than to fight the king, so running was the only option.

The bedroom was huge, first of all. Second of all, the window was behind Zeref and was at least 4 floors up, so that wasn't an option.

The closed door, however was directly to her left. A bit of a run, but she had no choice.

She jetted.

But she only made it so far before her body just stopped. She felt a pull on every muscle, keeping her from stepping forward. It was magic. Zeref had magic.

She felt tears threatening to come out of her eyes. Why did she think she could escape him?

"Listen," Zeref said lowly, "I'm going to let you go. The door is locked from the outside. I'm not going to hurt you."

Sure enough, the pull on her body was released. She fell on her backside and scrambled as close as she could to the wall. That's when she noticed she was in more suitable clothes for sleeping rather than her day clothes.

But, that wasn't her first question.

She could barely open her mouth to speak. So her wild eyes darted from the bed to Zeref.

He tried to remain poise and calm, but what threw it off was his eyes. They were widened in pure surprise. He had silk black and white night robes on, somehow making him seem younger than he looked. She knew he had to be at least in his 40's, but he only looked to be 18. She heard the rumors of him being immortal. That's what petrified Sylvia.

He shook his head furiously, "I never touched you, Sylvia. I only kept you here to keep an eye on you. I couldn't trust anyone else in the castle."

She tried to get words out, only to stutter, "y-you could've... slept on the f-floor... or I... could've-"

This was the king. The king who tortured her brother in front of her, just so she'd do what he wanted her to. He kidnapped them to get to their older sibling.

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