|Chapter 1| Troublesome

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"Levy! He's gone again!"

Levy heard the voice call from another part of the house. She rolled in her bed at shook her husband, Gajeel, by the shoulders, "Gale went out again." The circles under her eyes were noticeable. Since her son has been going out and doing questionable things, she's had no sleep worrying about him.

Gajeel mumbled softly, "He'll come back in a couple days or so." His tone was as if he didn't give a care in the world.

Levy rolled her eyes and sighed, "what if he doesn't?"

The careless father faced his wife in bed with as just a careless tone, "what are you talking about? He knows how to take care of himself."

"I know that. But he's been getting in a lot more trouble recently. Remember last year when he was gone for a whole month? And when he did come back he looked as if he was beaten to death," Levy informed with a soft voice.

Gajeel chuckled a bit, "knowing that kid, he probably deserved it." Levy punched him lightly on the shoulder.

"Aren't you worried about him at all?" She asked.

He was hesitant at first, "... Yeah. But it's -"

"Don't you dare say it's just a phase." Levy warned with a harder tone. She's read about teenage hormones, and this was not that.

"Okay fine," he admitted, "but it's Gale for Mavis sakes. The kid has seen some things, give him some credit."

"He's seen things because he does what he does. Do you even know how many wanted posters have his face plastered on it? It's not okay Gajeel." At the moment, she was extremely disappointed in her husband, much less her son.

Gajeel stayed silent. He knew she was right, and he knew Gale was much more rebellious than a regular 16 year old. People have said Nashi was a handful, but they haven't even gotten a taste of troublesome when it comes to Gale. Whoever met him supposed he was obedient, judging by his demeanor. But when he's not formally meeting people, its another story.

"Levy! Gajeel! I'm going to the library right now, I'll be back!" That was one thing Gajeel never got about the three of his family members. They all like to read.

"Okay Nashi," Levy replied as the front door shut. After she had left, Levy got up and started getting dressed in her commoner's clothes.

Gajeel took a deep breath before saying, "So you feel the need to spy on Nashi 24/7 but can't keep your own son in check. Interesting."

"Shut up. It's not like you do anything for the kids." Levy retorted.


Nashi Redfox, adopted daughter of Levy and Gajeel Redfox, as well as older sister to Gale Redfox. She can be quite wild when she wants to. She really has no problem with ticking people off, but her brother is a whole other story.

With Gale, he can never get mad. At least, not around his family. Nashi has never seen it or heard it.

Nashi originally has pink hair, which she doesn't know what or how it happened. But Levy told her as she was growing up that her hair was 'weird' and 'irregular', so, feeling like an outcast, she felt the need to dye it. Dye is hard to come by nowadays, so she started her own flower bed in the back of her house to grow flowers. By that, she can make her own dye. She's had many different hair colors over the years, blonde, brown, blue, white, and even green. Today though, she just had the simple black. And it would probably stay like that for the next week or so.

As she reached the library, one of the two librarians greeted her. "Black hair today huh?" He said.

She smiled and chirped happily, "yup!" Then immediately asked after, "Do you guys have any new shipments?"

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