|Character Chapter| Storm

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"Juvia, I know, I'm sorry, I just can't afford to-"

Gray stopped mid sentence as he heard a tiny yawn behind him.

The young, dark haired boy rubbed his eyes, "... Dad?"

Gray smiled, then knelt down to his son's level, "hey, Storm." He rubbed Storm's head, making his hair go in all sorts of directions.

"Are you leaving again?" Storm yawned once more.

Gray took a glance towards Juvia, who's expression fell. She shut her eyes and sighed.

The boy's father looked at the floor, "... Yes, Storm. I am."


"I have to. I can't stay for long, or else..."

"Nevermind. You don't have to explain," Storm smiled. He jumped on his dads chest, "just be safe, okay?"

Gray grinned, "of course. Don't be any trouble to your mom."

. . . 5 years later . . .

Storm clicked his tongue.

"I'm sure he'll be here, just give him more time-"

Storm cut his sister off, "its already been four hours. He's not coming."

"Storm... Dad wouldn't miss mom's..."

"Obviously, he would!" Storm exploded at Rin, "I sent him the invitation a month ago. He didn't come to your guy's birthday, he didn't come to the bar opening, so he sure as hell isn't going to come to mom's burial!" Storm picked up a rock, and threw it at an old tree.

Sylvia and Rin sat on the floor, trying to wait for their father to come. Sylvia had high hopes that he'd be able to come, but her hope had been dwindling quite slowly over the last couple of hours.

Rin was quiet, watching Storm throw multiple rocks at the tree. He thought that Storm imagined the tree as their father, and his brother was taking out his anger on it.

"What if something happened?" Sylvia asked in an almost whisper.

"Then why did he say he was going to come to everything I sent a letter about? He even sent us a confirmation letter last week!" Another rock was thrown. "He's just a bloody liar."

"Storm's right, Sylvia," Rin muttered, "he hasn't even came to visit. For a while. He should've at least came today."

"He hates us," Storm gritted his teeth, "that's why he left us with mom and why he never comes for us. He doesn't want to deal with us." Storm picked up his bag on the floor and pulled out bright blue lilies, "these are for him, if he ever wants to show up."

He threw the flowers on the ground and crushed him with his foot.

"Lets go," he grunted. Sylvia and Rin got up, and followed him silently.

After they were out of the clear, a figure came from behind a tree. His tired face and stubble showed that he hadn't been out very much. His eyes were saddening as he saw the lilies.

Gray loved lilies. It was his and his wife's favorite flower.

His jaw trembled as he turned away.

. . .

I hate him. I hate him so much.

He claimed he loved us. He loved mom. Liar.

Liar. Liar. Liar.

He never did anything to support us. He never wanted to see us. He would come. He would the food that mom worked hard to get, and then leave.

He never wanted to see us. Never.

He's a great actor, I'll give him that. Whenever I caught him, he pretended he wanted to see me.

I swore, the next time I saw him...

I was going to make him hurt.

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