|Prologue| Run

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*beat drop*
Also is anyone as elegant in the picture above whole running in a forest in a dress.



"Lucy! Take her and go!"

As soon as he said those words, chaos was let out. Gunfire. Explosions. Screaming. Not even their beloved king could stop it.

Crumpling of leaves was heard as she ran through the greenery of the forest. Panting as she raced through, not looking behind her or anywhere else but forward. Her blonde hair was blowing in the cold wind behind her, her dress almost tripping her every step she took. She held a bundle in her arms, holding it closely to her chest like her Kingdom depended on it.

Because it did.

"Over here! There's someone there!"

"It's likely the Queen! Bring the child! He doesn't care if it's alive or dead! Go!"

Tears fell down from her chocolate like eyes to her pale cheeks, and onto the bundle she was holding. She started whispering quietly to herself, "Levy... I have to get to her. Keep running..."

She quickly turned her head to see a man in uniform point at her and yelling, "Go south! I found her!"

The woman gasped before turning and running, jumping over logs and large rocks to get away from her predator.

Hiding behind trees and bushes, she finally found a ditch, a hole in the ground, connected to a cave where she hid. It was dark and quiet, the attackers wouldn't think for a queen to hide there.

However, they didn't know how she grew up.

She leaned against a wall, breathing in and out to catch her breath. Holding her bundle in one hand, she used the other to take off her small, elegant crown on the top of her head to look at it. To think about what it meant. What she gave up.

Why she did it.

Why did she do it? Why did she marry this man who had a dark past? Was it for money? Fame? To run away? Love?

No, the real question she was asking was, 'Was it worth it?'

She undid some of the wrap that was holding something in it, and well, there was a beautiful baby girl in it. As the woman kept asking herself the question, she knew what the answer was.

The baby was awake, but unaware of any of the activity going on around her. So, she was calm. Looking at the woman holding her with dark, chocolate eyes just like the lady holding her. Her almost non-existent hair was a rare salmon color, no one had this hair color in the kingdom except for an exceptional being.

Her very own father. The Dragneel bloodline.

The blonde reached into her satchel and took out another object, it was a crown as well. Obviously expensive, smaller than the Queens, and jewels were neatly put together on the front. There was big and small hand carved crystals that decorated the tiara.

The queen's tears fell down quickly onto the infants face, "this was going to be yours... my daughter. You would've loved it..." she smiled weakly, "but I can imagine you being as boisterous as your father." She squinted her eyes and cried a little bit more. Thinking of her husband. His salmon hair, green eyes, and his smile. Oh how she loved the way he smiled. His laugh, the way how he's been treated like royalty his whole life but... still insisted on being a commoner. From the way he slouched to how he ate. From the way he complained to what he did when he was sick. Even the nickname he gave her, even if silly names weren't tolerated in the castle.

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