|Chapter 18| Sarcasm.

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"I- what?" Storm said in disbelief. He had just explained to Nova's crew that they needed to save the rightful heir to the throne, and they straight up said no way.

"You're not our captain, Storm," Sammi said lowly. She was obviously uncomfortable with the situation.

He was on deck with the main crew, the other 7 shipmates were below, as ordered by Wendy.

Edda, the one who had answered flat out the first time, rested her elbow on her knee and her chin on her hand. She sat on a wooden crate, that was probably holding booze, "what Sammi said. One of the policies of our ship is to not make major decisions without her, especially if she's alive and hasn't given the title to someone else. It keeps us in line."

He looked to the rest of the crew in desperation. Varian, Sammi once more, and even Ori came into view before his eyes landed on Wendy. These guys were the best of Nova's team, but they couldn't help him without her?

"You're the second in command right?" He asked desperately, "you mean you guys really can't help save the princess?"

Wendy shook her head. The ship seemed to creak louder than it normally does. "While I am first mate, I can't do anything unless Nova gives me the say so."

His mouth opened and closed like a fish.

Nashi was in trouble, and the only people he could even trust a little bit weren't able to help get her back.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, "and what were to happen if you helped without her permission?"

"We would probably get kicked out and replaced," Edda informed.

He scoffed, "Nova would never-"

Ori spoke up for the first time, "she's done it before. I was the replacement."

What the hell did the old navigator do? Was she really that strict?

Varian was sat on the floor, polishing some handguns. The weapons were piled next to him, along with brand new holsters, "wait, I have an idea."

Storm's attention steered towards the boy.

"What if we helped with gear, but never left the ship? Because technically, we're not helping you, but preparing you." He stuck a small brush in one of the guns, cleaning out any gun powder from inside.

Everyone looked towards Wendy for some kind of sign. She smiled a little, and nodded. "We might still get in trouble, but I don't think any severe punishment will be forced. The rule is there mainly to protect the crew, so if no one knows we helped, then we should be safe."

Sammi looked at Wendy in awe, "from the perpetrator and the captain!"

Storm knew Nova was a hard-ass, but what had she done so that her crew feared her? He could never get his employees to react like that to him.

He started taking mental notes.

"So then, where's the princess?" Edda asked immediately, always the one to get to the point.

"In the lord's house," Storm said eagerly.

Then continued to watch as everyone's bright smiles fell.

Edda looked around before finally standing up from the crate she was sitting on and saying, "oh my Mavis you guys, make up your mind already! Are we helping them or not?" She used her hands to separate the words "helping them" and "not".

Sammi let out a giggle as everyone else smiled again.

"The sun is pretty much already down, which is probably for the best. Traveling by night is always better," Varian mentioned, putting the weapons in their leather holsters.

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