|Chapter 8| New Addition

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"What was that Gale?" Nashi exclaimed. The anger was clear in her voice, they were just about to get valuable information and he tore them away from that.

Gale stayed silent as he kept his grip on Nashi's wrist. His face burning with anger.

Storm furrowed his eyebrows at him when he demanded, "let us go."

He again, didn't say or do anything about his clutch.

That was when Storm lost it. He tugged his arm back, jerking Gale and Nashi towards him. He used his free hand to hit Gale's elbow upwards. The three heard a sickening crack. Gale freed his grip on Storm immediately, and then let Nashi go to take a hold of his elbow.

"What the hell Storm?" Gale said, clutching his arm tightly. His eyes glaring at Storm with raging fury "you broke it."

Nashi turned quickly to Storm, "you didn't need to hurt him!"

"He wasn't answering us. If this is the way it's gonna go, then so be it," Storm lashed out. At this point, there were people stopping and staring. They were on the outskirts of Adarian, where travellers and such came in. After Storm's scowl at them, they continued on their way.

"I don't have to tell you anything," Gale growled in response.

"Really? Then how about I break your other arm then."

Gale let go of his arm, curled his fingers into a fist, and punched Storm square in the jaw.

Storm fell down immediately, not expecting the hit. He landed on the floor and rubbed his jaw. A scrape where Gale punched him had appeared.

Nashi stared at the two of them wide eyed, "guys-"

"You little-" Storm quickly got up on his feet and head butted Gale in the stomach, the two of them landing on the cobble road.

Storm was about to punch him in the face before Gale kneed him in the stomach, and Storm reacted by rolling off of him and holding on to his abdomen.

"Gale, please stop," Nashi begged.

Gale staggered on to his feet, completely ignoring Nashi, and went over to Storm. Who got up as well, and went to punch Gale. Gale grabbed his fist with his free hand, then spun and kicked Storm in the ribs. Storm doubled over and coughed up the reddest of blood.

Gale's red eyes were filled with fury as he gripped onto his broken elbow. After a couple seconds of Storm recovering from the blow, Gale scoffed and pulled his fist back to give Storm another hit. He struck.

But it wasn't Storm he hit.

Nashi had stepped in and taken the blow in her arm.

Gale's eyes widened when he realized what he'd done, "Nashi!"

She stumbled to the side and gripped her shoulder, "I told you to stop." Tears were threatening to fall from her eyes.

"You're such an idiot," Storm exclaimed, wiping the blood off his chin with his sleeve.

"I didn't mean-" Gale started.

"Not you," Storm corrected. His eyes slid to Nashi, "you shouldn't get in the middle."

Nashi was taken back by the comment, "what?"

"That was our fight, you shouldn't get in the middle like that ever again," Storm warned. He tilted his head back as he looked at her, his gaze has never been more threatening to her.

"Excuse you?" Gale cut in. He raced up to Storm and held him by the collar with his good arm, "what is up with you?"

"Gale!" Nashi yelled out.

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