|Chapter 7| Zeref

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Day 3

The team spent the night under Rosemary's home, not daring to enter it again. They all needed rest, especially after her passing.

They were quiet as could be as they walked towards their next destination, the blooming capital of Crocus.

Crocus was just on the other side of Nashi and Gale's home town of Adarian, right by the castle.

The capital partially sat on a hill, the same hill of the castle. The streets were busy and the guards were crawling around like annoying insects. This was only because the capital had information and it was the only entrance to the castle. But if this was where Reiki was stationed, then they had to deal with it.

No words were spoken as they left the forest, out of respect for their departed friend. Nashi tried desperately to start a conversation when they left the forest, but no one was willing to keep it going.

After over an hour of walking with only the sound of bugs and a few people, Nashi finally asked Gale, "can we stop by Adarian?"

Gale shook his head immediately, "knowing dad, he'd probably chain us to our beds."

"Fine," Nashi pouted, "what about Caleb?" She was starting to get hot, so she tied her dark hair in a knot on top of her head.

Gale scoffed, "the librarian?" He said it with such disgust. Nashi didn't know the reason why, but it was clear that he was not fond of Caleb.

"Why is it just like you for your boyfriend to be a librarian?" Storm pointed out, he seemed to come out of nowhere behind Gale and Nashi.

"He's not my boyfriend," Nashi pointed out, "just a really good friend."

"Its also just like you to be single," Storm retorted. He turned his head to look away from Nashi as he scoffed.

Nashi was about to do something when Nova appeared and knocked Storm up side the head, "shut up, will you?"

He glared at Nova while rubbing his new injury.

After sighing, Nova asked, "why do you want to see him?"

"I was just thinking," Nashi looked to the sky. It seemed more blue than usual, "maybe he has information about the king."

Gale crossed his arms, "all the information we need is that he's a prick and needs to die. Everyone knows that."

"Well, you need to know one's strengths to find one's weakness," Nashi pointed out, "and I see no weakness we can use against him with being a jerk."

"Oh, I'll show him a weakness," Storm said, pushing both his knuckles together.

Nova rolled her eyes at him, "if this Caleb knows anything else about him, then we gotta know too. Anything helps."

One of Gale's eyebrows started twitching in annoyance. He spun around to face the rest of his team, "fine. You win. But, we stay away from the house at all costs. If mom and dad find out about anything we're doing, we're dead. Also, if Caleb does any fishy business, then we're running faster than Nova on drugs. Got it?" He started to glare at Nashi specifically. Nova stood behind her, giving Gale a glare.

Nashi held up both of her arms in surrender, "alright. Stay away from the house. No fishy business. Got it."

They walked with the usual retorts between each other until they reached the library. Before they walked in, Gale looked through one of the windows, making sure that no one was in there but the librarians.

After triple checking that the coast was clear, they entered through the front and that's where they met Caleb.

The brunette turned with five books in his arms, "Nashi, Gale." He nodded his head towards the two of them, "I heard about your little act."

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