|Chapter 15| Shopping

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Day 4

After everyone woke up and had their daily dose of arguing, Nashi sat down with her brother and started to eat her oats.

"Gale," she said with a mouth full of food, "Hargeon is a trading port, isn't it?"

Gale nodded as he ate his oats.

"Does that mean we can get some... I don't know, new clothes?" She stretched out her dirty shirt that she slept on for the past 3 nights.

Gale furrowed his brows as he looked down at his own clothes. They were now covered in dirt and blood.

"Yeah, okay," he said nonchalantly. "We can go after we've finished eating. Also, do you know where Storm and Reiki are?"

Suddenly, Nova appeared behind them, "Reiki said something about training. They're at a clearing nearby. If you guys are going into town today, I would suggest you two to not get separated. The Dollmaker is still lurking."

"We'll be fine, mom," Gale retorted sarcastically.

Nova's eye twitched.

"We won't, thanks Nova!" Nashi said before anything exploded.

Nova nodded before glaring at Gale and walking away.

"What is it with you two?" Nashi asked before stuffing her face again.

"I'll tell you as soon as you tell me what's up with you and Storm."

"He's a jerk."

"There we go."

Nashi rolled her eyes, "hurry and finish before I spit on you."

. . .

"Ready?" Reiki asked Storm. Storm nodded with hesitancy.

Storm held onto Reiki's forearm, and imagined him to be a sword.

It worked, and then Storm was holding a sword. He held it with both hands, and swung it in front of him. It was harder than he remembered from the night before.

The thing was really heavy.

"Why are you so damn heavy?" Storm said with a grunt.

"The weight of the sword is the same weight as I am as a human," Reiki explained.

"And how much is that?"

"Agh... I don't remember."

Storm attempted to hold him with one hand, but ended up dropping him immediately on the grass.


Storm rose an eyebrow, "you feel pain?"

"Anything other than flesh and bone hurts, yes."

Storm picked him up again, with both hands. He struggled a little less than the first time.

"Why are you so much heavier than I remember?"

"I think anyone would've gained strength in that kind of situation."

Storm had to frown at Reiki's responses. He wasn't making any attempt at keeping a conversation going. Storm wasn't sure if the guy had come to hate talking to people, or if he didn't know how anymore.

Which was weird. Storm swore that he did just fine with communicating with others, if not just a little social awkwardness.

"I hated that guy."

Storm blinked before responding, "what?" He swung the sword.

"The old me. He acted as if he ruled the world."

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