|Chapter 4| Rivals Everywhere

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"Gale you have to go."

Gale slowly opened his eyes to find one of his best friends hovering over him, looking as if he had gotten absolutely no sleep the night before. Gale had fallen asleep on the wooden floor, and immediately felt the cramps when he awoke. "Huh? Storm..." He said sort of groggily.

"Your sister- she's just... she's so..." The raven head looked as if he was about to claw out his own eyes.

Gale knew what he was talking about, "stubborn?" He placed the back of his hand on his forehead, attempting to adjust to the sight of the morning sun.

"Yes! And I don't even, I can't- she's just so-"


"And so... so..."

"Hot headed?" Gale sat up, his back against the wall behind him.

His friend nodded his head, but before he could even say anything, Gale beat him to it.

"I've lived with her my whole life, I know," Gale said, holding his hand up.

Storm Fullbuster placed his hand on top of his face, "it's not worth it."

"You wouldn't have gotten the bad side of her if you didn't serve her any... drinks," Gale said, "I warned you about that last night."

Storm Fullbuster was one of Gale's greatest friends, with a good reputation with the guards and a pretty laid back personality, it was meant to be. At the age of 14, he owned the pub of the village, Zinnia, and has going behind the public's back. Gale came in bloody one day and Storm was extremely desperate for help, so the two boys have been working together since.

"Look, I thought you were just being over protective," Storm pointed out.

He shook his head, "she can't hold her liquor. Now you two are going to be butting heads because now, she's going to start thinking that you tried to drug her."

"How are you gone half the time but know so much about me? Huh Gale?" Nashi came from behind a wall and began staring Storm down, "honestly, we should just go home now because this isn't going to work out."

"Ah, our first agreement," Storm said staring right back at her, "didn't think that would happen for another century."

Gale quickly got up and stepped in the middle of them, "alright, you guys just met, how the bloody did this already happen?" He knew they were going to fight, but this was ridiculous.

"Storm was hitting on her last night, so he started it," Nova yelled from another room.

Gale rolled his eyes, "No one asked you!"

"You say that as if I care!"

Completely ignoring them, Nashi and Storm were just spitting out retorts at each other before anything else could happen.

"Two faced." Storm said. Their faces centimeters away-- and not in the romantic type of way.

"Drunk pervert."

Storm looked behind him to act as if he was called by someone, "Yeah?!" He looked back at Nashi with a smug look on his face, "the clouds told me they want their dye back."

"You can die of constipation cause you're so full of sh-"

"Okay let's stop that," Gale pushed the two enemies away with his hands, "this is what I have to wake up to?"

Storm placed his hand on Gale's shoulder while staring directly at the pink head, "you know how much I care about the king-- which is absolutely nothing-- but if she's coming along I can't go."

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