Insecure (Smut)

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(This will be a long ass oneshot so make yourself comfortable and please vote and comment 🥺😇)

Jungkook Pov :

Happily whistling I got into my car and drove off to our house. I was is gym exercising and sweating. And now I'll be home with my girlfriend YN. I smiled thinking about her.

In a few minutes I reached my destination. I rang the door bell and YN opened it. I quickly pulled her into a hug but she pushed me away making me confused.

"Babe what happened"

I asked as she went to the living room while I followed her.

"Jungkook let's break up"

My heart broke into million pieces as she said that.

"Babe what are you saying? Did I do something wrong? Please babe forgive me"

I said as tears poured down my eyes.

YN Pov:

I quickly hugged Jungkook and started crying as I said those words.

"Jungkook you did nothing wrong"

"Then why do you want to break up? "

He asked crying on my shoulder as he hugged me back tightly.

"You don't deserve me Jungkook"

"What the fuck is that nonsense? "

He pulled away from the hug and glared at me. After calming down I pulled out Jungkook's phone from my pocket. Yes he left his phone at home when he went to gym.

"See this "

I showed him the messages he received from so many girls.

"Hey handsome wanna go out with me?"

"Leave your girlfriend and date me"

"I love you hottie"

"Jungkook there are so many beautiful girls there asking you out. You should go out with them"

I said as I was on the verge of crying again.

"What the fuck are you saying YN? I love you not them"

"Jungkook I'm so freaking ugly and I don't even have a good body shape. You don't deserve me -"

I was cut off by his lips pressed on mine, kissing me roughly. He pulled away and pinned me to the nearest wall. I looked into his dark eyes and I'll be lying if I say I didn't get scared.

"I'm so fucking done with your insecurities babe. Tonight I'll show you how freaking beautiful you are and how much I love you"

He said as he threw me over his shoulder. I let out a squeal at the unexpected move of his.

"Jungkook what are you doing? Put me down"

I struggled to get out of his hold as he stepped into our bedroom and threw me on the bed. He hovered above me and I started panicking not being familiar with such situations.

He intertwined our hands together as he started kissing me with love and gentleness. My anxiety and insecurities started to fade away slowly. His hands roamed around my body and I let out a moan at the new feeling. Jungkook has never touched me like this.

"Ugh babe"

He groaned in my ear and I felt butterflies in my stomach. His hands made it's way to my top to remove it smoothly. He soon removed my shorts and I quickly covered my body with my hands. This was the first time he saw me with such less clothes.

Jungkook ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now