Chapter 2

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Chapter Two:


"But he bumped into me!" I defend myself.

"Well he said sorry and was concerned and you insulted him!" Allysse cries.

"Are you my friend or what?" I reply. "He bumped in ME!"

"But said sorry," Allysse says. "You must apologize to him."

"As if I took his address or phone number," I reply.

"At least you should be sorry and guilty for what you did!" Allysse says.

"I didn't murder him!" I protest.

"You insulted him! He's a human like you!" Allysse says.

"I bet he's a peasant's son!" I say.

"Kathy!" Allysse frowns. "Even if he is, he's a human! Who cares for money? He's right! You're proud! Proud as a peacock!"


"No buts! Admit you did wrong!" Allysse says.

"You're saying I should be sorry?" I ask.

"Yes!" Allysse says.

"Okay fine, I did something wrong! I destroyed mankind!" I say. Allysse sighs.

"You don't get the point or do you?" She said. "If you did something so right why don't you tell this to your mother or father or Alex or Ash or Josh?"

"They'll scold me!" I say.

"Because they know what's right and what's wrong," Allysse says. Our neighbour's front door opens and someone walks out in the garden. It's him. It's the boy from yesterday!

"That's him," I say.

"Son of a peasant?" Allysse mocks my voice. I feel ashamed.

"I'm sorry," I say.

"Tell that to him," Allysse says.

"I can't!" I say.

"Oh yes you can!" Allysse says.

"No, I'm a coward!" I say.

"Well you'll have to be brave. You aren't in kindergarten!" Allysse says.

"Gosh, don't be Mum!" I say. He walks back in. "He's gone now!"

"Well you have to!" Allysse says.

"I can't go ringing his bell or can I?" I ask.

"Oh yes you can!" Allysse says.

"NO! It's embarrassing!" I say.

"Well you deserve it! You insulted him for nothing!" Allysse replies.

"I won't ring his bell!" I say.

"Well, I'll do it then. I'll make an excuse and you can pretend you're walking down the lane and stop and say sorry, OKAY?" Allysse says. I sigh.

"Fine!" I say.

So Allysse goes and rings his bell. Both of them have a brief chat and then they come out in the garden looking in the bushes. I sigh and pluck up the courage. I start walking and stop in front of his garden. I never noticed before that he's cute and tall. How was I so rude to him?

"Um..hello!" I say. He turns.

"Hi," he says.

"I'm sorry for yesterday, I was rude to you," I say.

"No it's okay, I was careless and I wasn't that kind either," he replies. Allysse smiles as she looks at me. Well done Kathy, she seems to say.

"I hope you've forgiven me," I say.

"Yes, I have," he smiles.

"I live next door," I say pointing left at my house.

"Nice to know," he replies.

"If you ever need anything you can ask me, don't hesitate," I tell.

"I think I found it!" Allysse says. "Thanks for the help!"

"No problem," he says.

"By the way, I'm Kathy," I say.

"Stuart," he says. I produce my hand to shake. He brings his forward and we shake.

"I have to go," I say. "Nice meeting you, bye!"

"Bye!" He replies.

"You like him don't you?" Allysse asks.

"No," I reply.

"Don't lie, you said: 'if you ever need anything you can ask me, don't hesitate'. What does that mean?" Allysse asks, creating question marks in the air with her fingers.

"I was only being friendly!" I cry.

"Are you sure?" Allysse asks.

"YES!" I reply.

"Well allright but I do smell something fishy and if there is something, tell me!" Allysse says.

"Well," I pause to think. "There isn't."

But I can't stop thinking about him. Stuart, he's sweet.

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