Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

"Kathy! What time's Allysse's party?" Mum says.

"Party?" I ask puzzled. Oh yeah! I almost forget it's her party today! "Oh that, it's at seven."

"Well, it's 6.23, I think you should get ready," Mum says. I nod and rush upstairs. How could I have forgotten? Oh well! Where's my green dress? Dammit! It's at the dry cleaner's! Ah well, guess I'll have to go with the blue one!

I pull out the blue dress from my closet. This white mini coat'll do with it and those heels. I quickly put it all on. Hmm.. let's put on that eye shade, it matches the dress and the new red lipstick Dad got me from America and lets curl my hair and..

"Kathy hurry up! It's 6.32!" Josh yells.

"Oh all right!" I yell back. Forget the curls, straighten them! I quickly apply the make-up and straighten my hair.

"Man! I do wish Allysse was my sister! You're such a girl! You've been in there for like 30 minutes! Do hurry!" Josh yells. I slap on my heels and go down. "Can you not wear make-up at times?"

"None of your bussiness, now can we go?" I say. "I don't wanna be late, bye Mum!" Josh and I rush to the car.

"It's 6.53, do hurry up!" I say.

"I can't pull wings out or can I?" Josh says. "It's your fault, now shut up!" I do. At about 6.59 we arrive at Allysse's house.

"Bye, Josh!" I say.

"Bye, Kath!" Josh leaves. Just then, Mark's car arrives.

"Bye, Dad!" He says. "Hi Kathy!"

"Hey, Mark," I say. I ring Allysse's bell. Her mother, Mrs.Patrickson, opens the door.

"Hello, Kathy. Hello, Mark!" She smiles."Come on in! Allysse, two of your guests are here!" Allysse comes running dressed up in her signature party wear white t-shirt, blue jeans, blue sneakers and a pony tail. "Oh Lord! Learn something from Kathy will you? Stop being a boy!"

"Oh come on, Mum!" She says. "Hi guys!" She hugs me and has a high-five with Mark.

Ding dong! People keep arriving and Allysse is quite busy with it. Soon everyone's there. Everyone except for Stuart.

"Hasn't Stuart come?" I ask Allysse.

"No, not yet. maybe he'll come a bit late. Let's have a few drinks and then we'll start the movie," Allysse says.

"Okay," I say. We wait for about and hour and no Stuart.

"Well, I guess we will have to begin without him," Allysse says.

"Which movie are you putting on?" I ask.

"The Maze Runner," Allysse says.

"Great! I'll watch it now and with friends too!" I say. So Allysse puts the movie on and the place fells silent since everyone's absorbed in the movie.

"Eating time!" Allysse's Mum says as she comes with a trolley full of food ones we're towards the end of the movie. So, Allysse pauses the movie and turns on the lights so we all can fill our plates and enjoy the movie. We all stuff our plates with chicken, cake pieces, tarts and our glasses with juices or drinks. Once everyone's got food, we continue with the movie. Allysse's Mum makes the best chicken and tart and cake I've ever ate. No one can resist having at least three helpings of her food! Once we're done with Maze Runner, we all decide to play, "Never Have I Ever". Allysse fetches glasses and two bottles of Coke.

"Right let's start from Dave and end it on Kathy, that's the cycle, okay?" Allysse says.

"Okay!" Everyone says.

"Never Have I Ever, finished a whole packet of jaw breakers," Dave says.

"Seriously?" Allysse cries and drinks. No one else does. "Oh come on people!" It's John's turn now.

"Never Have I Ever ridden in a helicopter," John says. No one has. Ding dong!

Is it Stuart? Hopefully. Allysse goes to check the door.

"John, Dave!" Your parents are here to get you," Allysse yells.

"Bye guys!" They say and leave. One by one everyone does and I'm the only one left.

"Stuart didn't come," I say.

"I guess he didn't want to come," Allysse says.

"Yes said he would come!" I say.

"You're worried, aren't you?" Allysse asks. I nod. "So you are admitting that you care?"

"I never said I don't," I reply.

"You love him don't you?" Allysse asks.

"No!" I deny.

"Well, tell me you do like him or have a crush on him?" Allysse says.

"NO! NO! NO!" I cry.

Ding dong!

Well in time Josh!

"Bye, Allysse!" I say and rush to the door.

"Seen a vampire?" Josh grins.

"No, but I saw you now!" I reply. Do I like Stuart? No..just a friend, he's just a freaking FRIEND who I care for...THAT'S ALL..that's all!

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