Chapter 35

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Chapter 35:

I sit panicking and watching the clock as if I'm a robot. My phone lies next to my right hand on the couch waiting for an SMS or a call.

"Are you all right, Kathy?" Mum asks.

"Yeah, I'm just tired," I fake a yawn.

"Well go to sleep then or at least rest a bit,"Mum says.

"Yes, Mum," I hastily climb the stairs, reach my room and collapse on my bed. I grab my phone, open Twitter. Nothing special. i check my messages inbox but I find no SMS. Then I put on 5sos' "What I like About You" and hum it. I think I doze off and then when I wake up, I hear some one yelling angrily. It's a man's voice. I dash down the stairs.

Josh and I have gone to the mall, be back in about 2-3 hrs.

-Mum x

So I'm home alone. I hear the yelling again and I rush outside. It's Mr. Neesham's voice. I try to make out what he is saying but I fail to do so. Instead, I get inside and put on the television and watch The Hunger Games which is playing on the television. But I just can't get my head away from thinking that what is happening next door.

Let's call Stu...NO!! Am I nuts? Not now!

(two hours later)

The yelling stopped about an hour ago. I don't know what to do, Mum isn't home and I'm worried for Stuart.

My mobile rings, an SMS. It's from Stuart. "cn u cm ovr to my place rn?"

I text back:

"on my way!" I scribble a short note to Mum and rush off slapping on my hoodie. I walk to his house and ring the bell. He opens the door.

"Hi!" He smiles and hugs.

"Hi! Everything alright?" He doesn't reply to that and leads me in. Uh oh, what is he gonna do? I hope everything's fine. I want it to be. He leads me to the living-room. Mr. Neesham sits there on the couch. He smiles at me.

"Sit. Would you like anything, Katherine?" He smiles.

"Hi Mr. Neesham," I say. I sit down. Uh oh what have I done now??

"Umm...Mr. Neehsam, I'm nervous to know about what I've.."

"What you've done?" Mr. Neesham completes my statement. He smiles. "I'm sorry for yelling at you that day, you were right, I'm sorry Stuart that I didn't believe you but son, I love you." What is going on? I raise a brow.

"You were right about Tasmin and thanks for calling to inform me," he says. "I sent Tasmin away more like I kicked her out if the house."


"How did I help?"

"Oh don't act innocent you called Dad pretending to be Tasmin, he doesn't know your number but I do!" Stuart grins. "Thanks Kathy, thanks for being here with me, thanks for making me and my father's bond strong I can never thank you enough!" I smile. I can't believe it! I did it, I helped Stuart! I can't believe it! Thank God!! Wow, this is the first time I fulfilled a promise! I really have changed! Thank you Stuart!

Mr. Neesham smiles and says. "I have been a bad father haven't I?"

"No, Dad! You didn't do wrong you wanted the better for me, it isn't your fault, stop blaming yourself! You haven't been a bad father!!" Stuart says as he hugs his father. I sigh. It's nice to see both father and son happy with each other!


Last chapter!! Joking got an epilogue to post!! Tomorrow will be the last chapter day, eh, I enjoyed writing this! Thanks for all the reads, votes and comments!!

Love y'll!!


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