Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

Me a maid?! Is she nuts? I trod down and get a taxi.

"360 Oxford Street," I say. Why do Allysse and the others always tell me to do such things? I belong to a very good family why should I act as if I'm low-class? She isn't my friend! How can your friend ever say that?!  I AM not a maid. My father is a well-known business-man! I live in North London not in South or over a shop or in a hotel's basement! Hah! Why would Allysse care? She's a tomboy and doesn't care about her reputation even though her father is a wealthy man too! What is wrong with her? Nor are Mark and Stuart low-class. First off, Allysse acts like she belongs from a slum-sector! She acts like she doesn't care. She doesn't care for money or what the people think like those low-class maids. If I ruled this country, people like her wouldn't be allowed to live such a good life! I hate her! I hate Mark and I hate Stuart! I thought they were my friends! But why'd they care? Their fathers aren't that worthy or have such a good reputation like my Dad! The taxi stops.

"Here you are, ma'am," the driver says. I hand him a few notes and get out. I walk to Forever 21, one of my favourite brands when it comes to casual wear. I  push the door and go in the shop. I scan the shop. Hmmmmmmmm...that one..nah Brianna Deyes will think I copied her but seriously why would I copy a girl who wears the same pant and changes it once a week? Hah! She is so un-fashionable and unlikely to find great friends! How about that white one? No, it looks like I bought it from a second-hand shop! Seriously? Has this shop gone nuts?!!

"Can I help you?" A guy asks.

" thanks, I prefer shopping myself," I say.

"Okay," he replies and goes back and continues chatting with the guy he was talking to. An abstract shirt catches my eye. 11 pounds. Not that expensive for this. I'll buy this. I pull out the shirt. I see a white coat and I pick that up too.  I see a feel sleeves dress which i very cool and warm. And then, I grab a pair of jeans and head to the counter.

"Sixty-three pounds and eighty-seven pence," the cashier says. I hand out sixty-five pounds and tell them to keep the change. I glance back and spot really cool heels. I get them and then I stop a taxi. I sit in feeling a bit lonely.

Money isn't everything, Kathy. It doesn't matter if you're a maid or a billionaire. Sometimes billionaires can't even buy some things, some things like friendship and love... My Granny always said that and she is right. Just for the sake of my ego, I refused Allysse and was rude to all of them.

Spoilt...Allysse and Stuart had called me. Maybe they are right, I am spoilt. But why can't I change? I want to! In films and books, people turn a new leaf in mere twenty-four hours, why can't I?

They are books and films, a work of fiction and not reality.... but I will turn up a new leaf! I will! I don't want to be a spoiled brat, I shouldn't be a spoiled brat or a proud peacock!

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