Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

"Hey, Stuart!" I say. "Join me on the walk back home?"

"You walk? I thought you'd have a helicopter to go home," Stuart says.

"Okay, I'm sorry for that, Stu," I say.

"I've forgiven you I was only joking, I'm sorry if you're hurt," he replies.

"No, my friends usually do that. And now I've realized how proud I used to be, maybe still am but I don't know why I can't help it," I say.

"Everyone has flaws, maybe one day you'll learn how to do it, how to live without arrogance," Stuart says. "Life does teach us a lot." A philosopher ain't he? I smile.

"You seem to know a lot about life," I say. He sighs.

"Experience in life teaches us a lot. Mine's taught me a lot, even more than you might in twenty years, pain I've suffered, difficult..." his voice trails away. The frankness goes away and the eyes which had gone sad turn in to calm and orginized ones. He sighs and shakes his head.

"You were saying?" I ask.

"Never mind, do you wanna spend all day in school?" He asks. I pick up my bag.

"Let's go," I say. We both start the journey back home. "So about what Dave asked you, do you self-harm?" He stops walking and looks at me in the eye. I look back. I realize how sad they are. They seem lonely, hurt, sad and ones which hold secrets and need help and friends. I realize how lonely he is. I never saw him with friends or anyone or ever saw him smiling. For the first time ever in my whole life I'm feeling sorry for someone, I feel really sorry for him. I don't know what his secret is but it seems to have deep, dark memories.

"Kathy," he says. "I....I..."

"Kathy! Hurry up! We have to go somewhere!" Alex comes running.

"Oh hi, Alex, why?" I ask.

"I don't know, who's this?" Alex asks.

"Stuart, he's in my class and he lives next door," I say.

"Hi," Alex says.

"Hi," Stuart replies.

"Bye, Stuart! See you tomorrow," I say.

"Bye," he says and keeps walking.

"Come on!" Alex says. I nod and hurridly walk home. Stuart has a deep, dark secret. He does. I know it now, I just know it.


Hi guys, thanks for 100 plus veiws! Love all my readers. Do you think Stuart self harms? YES? NO? Comment and tell. And don't forget, comment, vote, follow and SHARE!


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