Chapter 31

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Chapter 31:

I hesitate as I enter the head office of Stuart's Dad's company. I push the door open and walk towards the secretary.

"Excuse me," I say.One minute, the secretary mouths as she talks on the phone.

"Yes Mr.Lewis, I have arranged it and the meeting is tomorrow at 5 pm, yes, Mr. Neesham will be there, thank you," she says and puts down the phone. "Yes, how may I help you?"

"Is Mr. Neesham in there?" I ask.

"Yes, but why may it concern?" The secretary asks.

"I want to meet him," I reply.

"Do you happen to be from a business company?" She asks.

"No," I reply.


"I well um...want to talk to him,"


"No, I live next door," I say.

"I don't think he's free at the moment, he is busy with..."

"But this is important and urgent about his son, Stuart," I say. The secretary raises a brow at me.

"Very well, I'll inform him," The secretary picks up the phone. "Sir, there's this girl..."

"Kathy Davidson," I say.

"...Kathy Davidson who wants to talk to you about Mr.Stuart. Yes, sir. Right, sir!" She puts the receiver down. "His room's right there." She points.

"Thank you," I smile.

"My pleasure," she replies. I walk towards Mr. Neesham's office. I knock the door.

"Come in!" A calm yet firm voice says. I open the door.

"Umm..hello, sir! I'm sorry to disturb you but this is important," I say.

"Oh it's okay my dear," he smiles. "You may sit. Now coffee or tea?"

"No thank you," I reply.

"My secretary said it was something related to Stuart you wanted to talk about. What has that boy done now?" He asks.

"Oh, he hasn't done any thing but this is about what's been done to him," I say. Mr. Neesham gives me a quizzical look, a look which makes him look a lot like Stuart especially with the raised brow.

"What?" He inquires.

"'s a bit complicated..." I say.

"Go on," he says.

"Well, as you know Mr. Neesham Stuart's mother is no more in this world and he has a step-mother and a step-brother...."

"Did Stuart tell you that? About Carly, I mean," Mr. Neesham questions.

"Yes, sir," Kathy says.

"Did he tell you about Harry too?"


"So what are you here to tell me? He misses his mother and brother that is why he such a disgrace to our family and is trying to get me known as a bad person in the society who can't raise a teenage boy?"

"No, sir! Stuart isn't a bad boy at all, he's really the most well-mannered I've ever meet," I say.

"What do you mean to say?"

"Your wife, Tasmin, Stuart's step-mother and her son, Dave are the ones who are wrong, St..."

"So you are here to tell me that my wife is mean and so is her son to my son? You want a family fight in our house? Miss, you can go now!" Mr. Neesham says in a stern, angry tone.

"Mr. Neesham, I don't want you to have a family fight, I am a friend of Stuart and want better for him, I .."

"You can leave!"

"Fine! I'm going! But you know what?! Your wife Tasmin is a bitch and Stuart is not what you think he is! Tasmin has blinded you!! Yes, go on listen to her! Ruin your real family, your blood relation. Why would even care about Stuart?! Of course, why would you? You have a new family, you love Tasmin and her child! Why don't you send Stuart to an orphanage?! You're his father and you don't trust him? SHAME ON YOU!" I say. Mr. Neesham glares at me.

"You don't have to interfere in our family matters!" He roars.

"Family? You think that bitch Tasmin.."

"Don't call her that!"

"I jolly well will! You think she and her child is your family? Wow! Didn't you love Carly?! She, Harry and Stuart are your family not that ninny and her stupid child!"

"ENOUGH! GET OUT!" Mr. Neesham cries.

"I'm going but one day you will realise that you were wrong! You were blind and you were being bad and cruel not me or Stuart, goodbye, Mr. Neesham, I hope that day when you'll realise will be near so that Stuart won't face this torment and Harry and Mrs. Neesham's souls will be at rest," with that I leave. Maybe I said too much but I don't care. I will do anything to prove that Stuart is innocent and Tasmin is the one who is the one who's bad. I hope Mr. Neesham will think on what I said. Stuart was right that he won't listen but I had to convey my message now it's up to him if he listens or doesn't but I will, I will give proof that I was right.



OML!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1.3K reads and 244 votes!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!

~Zaynab <3

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