Chapter 3

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Chapter Three:

I hate school, you have to get up early and hurry and have to study! I grab my back and go down stairs. Breakfast's ready and no one's there except for Dad. My brothers go to school next week! So unfair!

"Good morning Kathy Pie!" Dad smiles.

" 'Morning Dad!" I say. I eat my cereal. In about five minutes Dad and I are on the way to my school in his black Jaguar.

"So, excited for school?" Dad asks.

"Daaad! Who likes school?" I ask.

"I used to when I was your age. I was like Ash and Alex, always pranking people and having fun and school was where I could do all this," Dad starts telling about his childhood.

Why do parents do that? I don't give a damn about your childhood! I mean that's the past and who wants to know about your past, Dad? I plug on my head phones and pretend I'm listening to Dad. Soon school arrives. First time I'm relived to arrive here!

"Bye, Dad!" I say.

"Bye, Kathy! Have a nice day!" Dad drives away.

"Hey, Kathy!" Allysse arrives.

"Oh, hi!" I say. We hug.

"How's your boyfriend?" Allysse asks grinning like an idiot.

"BOYFRIEND?!" I ask.

"Well, what was his name again? Steven? No, Stuart? Yeah Stuart!" Allysse says.

"He ain't my boyfriend!" I say.

"But you like him and wish he was yours," Allysse says.

"NO!" I say.

"You love him!" Allysse says.

"Don't even like him!" I reply.

"Are you sure?" Allysse asks.

"101 percent," I say.

"But not a 500 percent," Allysse says.

"Infinity percent," I say. During our protest the bell rings and school starts. Allysse and I join Clarisse and Bryony and we walk in our class. As usual we sit in the second row.

"Good morning class! Welcome back from the holidays! How were they?" Ms. Kamila our class teacher and English teacher asks.

"GOOOOOD!" The whole class says.

"Happy to be back?" She asks.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" We all cry.

"Right everyone, we have a new student with us," Ms. Kamila says. "Come on Stuart!" A blonde, tall and cute guy enters.

"Class this is Stuart Neesham, a new student, Stuart, since the seat next to Kathy is the only empty one, you may sit with her," Ms. Kamila smiles.

It's him. It's the boy from next door!

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