Chapter 29

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Chapter 29:

We have our last team huddle and then we rush on field. Since we lose the toss, our opponents, London Academy for Girls (LAG) . I'm really nervous, very nervous. This is the first time our school's girl's team got in the finals and I don't wanna lose, I wanna win it. The atmosphere's electric. I can hear a mixture of noises, shouting, cheering, loud-music and last minute instructions barked out by our coaches. I spot my family and Stuart and his family in the crowd. In front of all these people, my family, my friends and my school fellows and teachers, I don't wanna lose.

Just remember, you can do this, it ain't rocket science, I remember what Stuart told me before the match. I know you girls can do it, you all are a talented lot, make me proud, Kath! I don't care you win or lose, just give your best out there!

I can't let them down, I can do this!

We start off at the referee's whistle. LAG's girls are pretty good. In about just 2.3 minutes, they have attacked our goal thrice but our goalie does well in ducking and saving the goals.

Allysse steals the ball from our opponents and runs towards their goal. LAG's Celia Jason kicks Allysse's calf and Allysse moans.

"FOUL! FOUL!"We cry. The referee blows his whistle and we rush to Allysse.

"I'm fine, just a bruise," Allysse says posting thumbs-up.

"You sure you can play?" Ms. Rittler asks. Allysse nods.

"Yes," Allysse replies. We get a penalty kick. Allysse tells me to be the one to kick the ball. I sigh, This is my chance, I can't let anyone down! I doubt myself if I can do this. I set my aim and the referee blows his whistle, I kick, aimlessly. I regret it. It goes to the keeper but the defender dives, trying to save it. Instead of saving the ball, the attempt gets the ball pushed in the goal post.

"YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Us players on-field, our team in the dug-out and our spectators roar.


"And Davidson scores!"

"Well done, Kath!" My team-mates come and slap me on the back and have high-fives with me. Wow, I did it! I scored the first goal of this final! I can't believe it!


It's half-time now and the score is 1-0. We have only scored and the opposing team hasn't. 

"I hope we win this!" Allysse says.

"We will, if we keep on like this," I reply.

"Gone wise, eh?" Allysse says.

"What ever!" I reply.


It's 20 minutes after the half-time meaning 60 minutes, one hour of this game and we are at the lead! I hope the rest of the time just flies like this and we win but yeah, we have to play hard!


30 more seconds to go, in the previous ten seconds we have had at least two attacks on our goal but our skilled goalie has saved both!

Allysse steals the ball and passes it to Rue Richardson, a LAG girl steals it and runs towards our goal, she passes it to her team-mate who comes towards the goal but our defender, Jay Hales attacks and is successful on passing the ball to Rue on her right. Rue runs with the ball and passes it to Allysse, Allysse is counter-attacked and she passes the ball back to Rue. Rue runs with it, beating the mid-fielders of the opposing team and kicks the ball, aimlessly. It ends up as a keeper's kick with only ten more seconds to go.

Come on, tick, time! Tick!!

And...the referee blows his whistle.

"WE WIN!!!!!!!" I cry. "WE WIN, WE WIN!"

"TIGERS! TIGERS! TIGERS!" The crowd chants. We won, we won, we did it!

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