Chapter 32

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Chapter 32:

I arrive back home after the horrible more-than-expected reaction of Mr. Neesham in the un-pleasant meeting. In short, I failed to convince Mr. Neesham that Tasmin, Mrs. Neesham, Stuart's step-mother is lying about Stuart and Stuart is telling the truth. But yeah, that woman is clever and she used false proof to get Stuart's biological father against him. Question is that how can he trust his relations which aren't blood relations? How can he not listen to his blood relation and go listening to random people? I don't believe it that Mr. Neesham loves Tasmin or Dave as much as he loves Stuart, Harry and Carly, his first wife and Stuart's mother. I mean through what I saw in the hospital that day and hearing what Stuart told about his past, it's obvious. I bet Mr. Neesham still loves Carly more than anything like he did years ago and he loves Stuart too but for his better, he's doing this but he doesn't know that he's doing wrong now by not believing his son.

My mobile rings.

Incoming call: Stuart. I receive it.


"Hey, Kathy?"

"Yeah, it's me."

"Did you go to Dad's office?"



"You were right, your father didn't believe me."

"Yikes....I'm screwed!"


"He'll yell at me and man, as usual, I'll be grounded."

"I won't let that happen, after all it is my fault," I point.

"It's not your fault, it's mine. I shouldn't have told you about all this, my past and everything."

"Stuart Neesham, don't blame yourself for something you didn't do. It wasn't your fault, it was mine, I should have listened to you and I shouldn't have went to Mr. Neesham," I say.

"You didn't do wrong, you just wanted to help me," Stuart objects.

"But I failed."

"Maybe you didn't. Maybe you woke Dad up. Maybe he's thinking on it right now that is he doing right. Is Tasmin right and I'm wrong or is Tasmin wrong and I'm right."

"I hope so."

"Was he really angry?"


"Really, really angry?"

"Really, really, really angry!!"

"Man, I AM screwed!!" Stuart cries.

"Maybe you aren't, maybe he realised, think positive Stu!" I say.

"At times what we do wrong is to expect more and to be positive. At least thinking negative saves our dreams from drowning and getting our expectations killed."

"You know, you should keep your aims high but hopes low," I say quoting my grand-mother.

"What do I have to aim for?"

"Ufffffff.......... Stuart!! Stop acting like your dead and you're horrible because you aren't, you are amazing and epic," I say.

"I am bad, that us why my own biological father hates me," he replies.

"He doesn't! He's just blindfolded!" I reply.

"If he cared, he'd never be blindfolded. He clearly prefers Tasmin and Dave over me."

"Stuartttttttttt!!!!!!!!!! Your father doesn't hate you, he loves you more than anything. He married Tasmin for your good, you know that. And that bitch used false proof against you, you know this better than me," I say.

"Hah! I don't think he still loves me. I think to him, I'm a burden now."

"You know, that day when you were in the hospital, the way your father was, he wouldn't be if he didn't love you," I say.

"It could be fake, acting I mean. You and your family were there he didn't want to seem like a father who didn't love his son and to whom his son was a burden," Stuart says.

"What if he was worried! He was worried for his blood relation! The only blood relation he is left with!" I protest.

"I don't think I'm worth anyone's love or caring," Stuart replies.

"I'm here for you, and always will be in rain or shine, in storms and when the seas are calm. When the sun shines and when the moon glows. I'll show you there is hope and that every cloud has a silver lining. I'll be here to support you, to help you in your deepest depression, tension and worries. To support you in every burden you face. I won't leave you alone, Stu, never to let you bear this alone, I promise you," I say.

"Kath, don't make promises you can't keep," he replies.

"I'm saying this because I will fulfill this, Stu, I will!" I assure him.

"Thanks, Kath," he says. "I have to go before Tasmin starts making more stories and tells Dad that me and my criminal friends are planning to kill Obama and Dad gets mad at me."

"Haha!" I laugh. "I bet he'd even believe Tasmin if she told him that you started the Great Fire of London!" I joke.

"Haha!" Stuart laughs.We hang up. Oh Dear Lord! What have I done! I wanted to help Stu not to get him grounded! Poor Stu! Not having your family believing and trusting you and having to live with your enemies under the same roof is the worst torture ever! I hoep I can help him get out of this and everything gets better for him.

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