Chapter 7

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A/N: Okay guys can I plz get comments and votes? Pretty please? *puppy dog face*. I have 195 reads, thanks for those but can I get comment, votes and followers? Please? A follow for a follow it will be for the first 10 followers,

Enjoy the Chapter and don't forget to vote, comment, follow and share. Sorry it's late,

~Zaynab <3

Chapter 7:

"Football practice toady," Allysse informs at recess.

"What?" I say. "But we had to go to the cinema after school! Guess I'll miss Maze Runner!"

"Poor you," Allysse says.

"So sorry for you," Stuart says.

"Who told you?" I ask.

"Ms. Rittler," Allysse says.

"Agh! Blow Ms. Rittler!" I cry.

"Blow?" Allysse says. "Such an old fashioned word, where'd ya learn it from? My Gran says that instead of 'shit'"

"Well, 'shit' is an indecent word!" I say.

"Girly girl!" Allysse says.

"Oh man! Don't tell me you girls will start a cat-fight on who's a girly girl and who's a tomboy!" Stuart says.

"Actually no, it's clear that I'm a huge tomboy while Kathy here is a huge girly girl, aren't I Kath?" Allysse says. "Don't tell me you painted your nails hot pink! I hate nail polish and that colour! Both are so girly!"

"I didn't ask you to pass a theory on it!" I say. "Gosh! Don't tell me that's a sweat band!"

"A Nike sweatband, CORRECTION!" Allysse says.

"As if I care," Kathy says.

"I don''t know how we are friends!" Allysse says crossing her arms.

"Oh come on! Quit the fight girls!" Stuart says.

"We ain't fighting! Who says we are?" I say.

"Oh Lord, girls!" Stuart sighs.

"Let me call Josh and tell him the tragic news," I say.

"Tragic indeed," Allysse rolls her eyes.

"Sush!" I say. I diall Josh's number. Ring. Ring. Ring.


"Hi, Josh?"

"Yeah, what is it, Kath?"

"Don't come to pick up and go to the movies without me," I say.


"Football practice," I say.

"Oh, okay! Have fun," he says.

"Yeah sure! I miss the movie and you say Have fun! What kinda brother are you?"

"Okay, I'm sorry!"

"Okay, well have fun," I say.

"That's kind and new from your mouth!"

"Oh, shut up!"

"My lips are sealed," Josh says.

"Bye," I say

"Bye." I hang up.

*At the football field after 3 hours*

"Okay, girls! Today we will be practicing through new methods," Ms. Rittler says.

"Like what?" Linda Fedrickson inquires.

"Lots of new techniques, now first off, the usual running but today we will run about 5 miles," Ms. Rittler says. FIVE MILES?! WHAT??!! SERIOUSLY? SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH THAT WOMAN! Last time she made us run 3 miles and I ended up with blood deficiency, okay fine, I'm lying but yeah! I hate this!! Ms. Rittler blows her whistle and we run.

RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN! I push myself. After half a mile, I feel like my heart will pop out. PANT. PANT. PANT. Come on! You idiot! Wait, I called myself an idiot? That's not girly! Allysse, I hate you.

After a measly run of like an hour, we stop for a drink of energy juices.

"Right, girls! Next stop, catch the ball next!" Ms. Rittler says throwing a tennis ball. So one by one we all do it.

"Right, now I think we have some time for some warm-up exercises, unlike the usual ones, we will be doing the ones cricketers do," Ms. Rittler says.

"That's new," I say.

"Indeed, that's the new technique, Ms. Davidson," Ms. Rittler says. "Now, watch me demonstrate." Ms. Rittler shows us how to perform the exercises. "Your turn now!" So we do those exercises and they're really fun actually! I had practices but this one is fun, especially the exercises part!

"Right, time to leave, girls," Ms. Rittler says. I grab my back and my kit.

"Fun, eh?" Allysse sayspicking up her stuff.

"I know right!" I say.

"Peep! Peep!" It's Josh and Mum and Dad and Alex and Ash.

"Bye, Allysse!" I say.

"Bye!" She says. I run to the car.

"Enjoyed the movie?" I open the door of the passanger seat.

"Very much. That's new were there practice setions of how to be nice?" Ash says.

"Oh shut up!" I frown.

"Had fun?" Mum asks.

"Yeah, very much! We did a lot of new things. Mrs. Rittler used new methods," I say.

"Like what?" Josh says.

"New exercises," I say. "The ones cricketers do."

"You were practicing cricket or football?" Alex asks.

"Football," I say.

"Then why cricket methods?" Alex says.

"How would I know?" I say.

"You know the best part of the outing without you?" Ash says.

"What?" I say.

"We went to Starbucks had coffee and got you..Nothing!" Ash says.

"Ashton!" Mum says. "Kathy we got you Starbucks and nachos and your favourite chocolate brownie."

"Why thank you, Mum!" I say.

"Say, Kath. You abducted by an alien?" Ash asks. I frown. "Your being abnormaly nice. Well not abnormaly but for you, yes abnormaly! What's going on?" I frown and stare out of the window,

He changed me, Stuart Neesham changed me.

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