Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

The ball passes the goalie and gets in the goal.

 Allysse grins and smiles in Mark's direction who cheers for her.

"Well done, girl!" I cry. There's just a few minutes left and the Archwood girls'll need a great performance to beat us now! They make to attempts to the goal but nothing gets past our goalie at least not the ball! The whistle blows. And we win!

"And Tasmin High School WINS!"

"TIGERS! TIGERS! TIGERS!"There's a huge roar. We all shake hands with the Archwood girls and say "Well played" to them. Wow, Allysse did prove Silvia wrong.

"Sorry about that rudness earlier," Silvia says.

"Oh it's all right," Allysse says shaking hands.

"Well done girls!" Ms. Rittler smiles. "Well done Allysse and Kathy! I'm so proud of you all!" Mark comes running.

"Well played, Allysse! That was great! Wow! You rocked! You were good too Kath," Mark says. I smile. "Man, wow Allysse!" Mark hugs her. "Congrats! You led them to a victory!"

"Thanks," Allysse blushes and laughs. "Well, I wasn't as good as you!"

"Come on! Don't be so modest, Aly!" Mark says.

"Aww...thanks, Marky!" Allysse says.

"Girls, line up for the presentation, please!" Ms. Rittler says. We all line up height wise.

"Right, ladies and gentlemen, this is the match presentation, first can I have the losing captain, Silvia McBrien, please?" The presenter asks. Silvia steps up.

"So Silvia, what went wrong?"

"We were out played by the Tasmin Tigers, they played really well and I think we were really poor out there and we'll hopefully come back from this."

"Right thank you, now can Allysse Patrickson show up please?" The presenter says. Allysse goes. "Can you first collect the match ball and the trophy? Right! Our player of the match and winning captain, Allysse Patrickson! First of all Allysse, congrats for the win and the hat-trick. How do you feel?"

"Amazing, I mean it's great to win against a side you've been losing for more than ten years and you also score a hat-trick in it, it's just like a dream!" Allysse says. "The girls did really well especially Kathy and our coach Ms. Rittler was a huge support. The Archwood girls played really well and gave us a tough time out there but I think we did really well, and this is just the beginning so we have to continue playing great like this and keep on winning."

"Right, thanks Allysse!" He says."That's all we have for now, thank you for your participation."

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