Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

"So Kathy, you ready for the football championships? I can't wait to play!" Allysse says. Football is the only interest I have in sports.

"Nor can I! I can't believe you're the captain!" I say.

"I know I can't wait! It's just two days to the opening! I can't wait to represent school in front of all of England!" Allysse says.

"And I can't wait to play!" I say. Stuart shows up.

"Hi!" I say.

"Hey," he replies sitting next to me. "You two seem excited."

"Yeah, we are for the football championships," I say.

"You're participating in it?" He raises his brow at me.

"Yeah! I love football," I say.

"I thought you were to 'careful' to get your shoes muddy," he says.

"Oh come on for Pete's sake Stu! How long are you gonna taunt me on that?" I say.

"I was just asking," he says.

"You know what Stuart, I also find it weird. I mean how can a girly girl like her love a sport like football!" Allysse grins.

"Oh come on Allysse!" I say. I turn to Stuart. "Do you like football?"

"Kinda," he says.

"Favourite team?"





"David Beckham."


"Mid fielder."


"Excuse me?" Stuart says.

"Sorry," I say. What's with him? I didn't ask him something, well something personal! Maybe a bit but why isn't he frank with anyone? Does he not have confidence? Course not! He's talented and confident. I think it's something he is hiding, something deep and dark.

"Uh...Kathy? Why are you staring at me?" Stuart asks.

"Oh um.. sorry!" I turn away.

"Hey, Kath! Wanna join me in painting this?" Mark asks.

"Umm..sorry Mark I was rather busy with something," I say. Mark seems shocked.

"What," I ask.

" it you the same Kathy, Kath?" Mark asks.

"Huh?" I ask.

"You're different now polite and well humble and thoughtful are you okay?" Mark asks.

"Oh yeah! I'm just umm..well worried for the championships that's all!" I say.

"Speaking of that, good luck for it," Mark smiles.

"Good luck to you to Marky," I say.

"Kathy?" Allysse asks.

"Yes?" I reply.

"I've been noticing this ever since you bumped in Stuart you're thoughtful for others, kind and's you've changed yourself for Stuart, do you, do you love him?" Allysse asks.

"No, Allysse! OF COURSE NOT!" I say.

"You sure?" Allysse asks. "You stay really quite and well thoughtful, is everything okay?" I look at Stuart who sits by the window thinking something. Do I love him?  NO..he's just a friend.

"No Allysse," I say. "He's just my friend."

"I told you this before and am telling again, I'm your BFF if there is something, trust me with it," she says. I nod.

"If there's something like that I'll tell you first," I say.


Well do you guys think Stuart cuts? YES OR NO? Well if you want my answer, stay tuned for Chapter 10!!




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