Chapter 25

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  • Dedicated to All My Epic Readers

Dedicated to: All The Epic Readers I Have!

Chapter 25:

I get up and open the door. It's Allysse and Mark, all red.

"What did you two do now? Had a tomato fight?" I ask. Allysse grins and rushes to hug me. "Woah, woah! What just happened? I thought you weren't a hugger! Who are you and what did you do to Allysse Patrickson?" Allysse pulls away.

"Oh come on!" She giggles.

"No riddles, please!" Stuart joins me on the door frame. He and I exchange a did they make up look.

"I didn't speak in riddles," Allysse says.

"Nor did I," Mark replies. "Can we come in?" We let them in and shut the door.

"Vas up?" Stuart asks. I notice a bracelet around Allysse's wrist, Allysse never wears jewellery or bracelets, correction, never ever!

"What's the bracelet for? Ain't that too girly?" I say. Allysse grins and blushes.

"Never mind," she replies.

"TELL ME!" I cry.

"Oh come on! For Heaven's sake people! Speak!" Stuart says rather impatiently. So he has a impatient mode....

"Cool down," Mark says. "Man, I just did what I wanted to."

"So did I," Allysse replies.

"What? YOU TWO MADE OUT?" I cry. Stuart looks at them, jaw-dropped.

"HAHAHA! Fooled you freaks!!" Allysse and Mark grin.

"What?!" Both of us cry.

"Not really but you guys just got fooled!" Allysse says.

"#QuestionMark!!" I cry. Stuart glares at the both of them.

"What is going on? Answer please?" Stuart says.

"Fine, Mallysse is official," Mark says.

"WHAT??!! REALLY?????!!!!" Stuart and I cry. They both nod. I hug Allysse and Stuart hugs Mark.

"Congrats, Allysse! Told ya so, didn't I?" I say hugging her. She hugs back tightly.

"Thanks, for you know telling me to keep believing and not giving up," She replies.

"What are sisters for?" I ask. She smiles, pulling apart. I grin in reply.



Filler Alert! So ya, Allysse and Mark are together, let's see what I put in Chapter 26, #tbh, i don't even know myself! Anyways, VOTE, COMMENT AND FOLLOW!!

Love Y'll


P.S. A big thankyou for 150+ votes! ILYSM (ALL OF YOU! :) )

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