Chapter 22

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Chapter 22:

"SEMI FINAL OI!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Allysse cries as we down and unite with our team mates.

"Easy there, skip," I say. "You sound like a gangster."

"All the pleasure," Allysse replies. In about forty minutes or so, the whole team stuffs in the coach after getting best-wishes from our family and friends.

"Don't care if you guys win or lose, just want you guys to play the best out there," Stuart had told us two.

"Go sis! You rock!" Ash and Alex had said.

"My little princess! Do it out there, good luck you two!" Dad had said.

"Play well and good luck," Mum had kissed me.

"Don't even think of losing! Joking, just play well," Josh had said.

I can't believe it's me in the football team in the semis! It's like a dream being in the semis and having your school's reputation and pride on your shoulders. I am so damn nervous!

"Wishing our girls' team massive good luck and best wishes for their match," our school tweets.  My mentions on Twitter are filled with good luck messages by many people, many whom I don't know.

"@kathy_holly. @ally_sassy: gud luck ya weirdos." Mark tweets.

"@mark.hudson i AM not a weirdo dunno abt @ally_sassy." I reply.

"@mark.hudson @kathy_holly: i'm weird af! 1/3" Allysse tweets.

"W=wonderful. E=Epic I=Intelligent. 2/3"

"R=Remarkable and D=dead drop gorgeous, tht's wht i am! 3/3"

"@ally_sassy:yeah yeah *note the sarcasm*" I tweet.

"@ally_sassy: no questioning that, honestly," Mark tweets.

"@mark.hudson: you guys are cmng right? to the match?" I ask.

"@kathy_holly: DUH! mum and dad are also cmng!" Mark replies.

"@mark.hudson: and stu?"

"@kathy_holly: yep he and his family. don't get over whelmed!" Mark tweets.

"@mark.hudson @kathy_holly: ya don't start drooling kath!" Allysse tweets.

"@ally_sassy @mark.hudson: why would i?" I tweet.

"@kathy_holly: innocent, eh? too much acting!" Allysse asks.

"@ally_sassy: ??"

"@kathy_holly: cm on! admit it u hv a crush on stu!" Mark tweets.

"@mark.hudson @ally_sassy: NO! HE'S MY FRIEND! CM ON GUYS!!" I tweet.

"@mark.hudson: btw when r u proposing @ally_sassy u two r a cute couple," I tweet.

"@kathy_holly: u should....u tricky beast!....private chat, RN!" Mark tweets.

"@kathy_holly @mark.hudson: wht jst happened?" Allysse asks.

"@ally_sassy: nvm!" I tweet. I join Mark on the private chat.

"kath, i'm texting u," Mark says. "hide ur phone if ally's next to u."

"no, she's in the front with Ms.Rittler," I reply.

"k." Next thing I see is Mark's text.

"i admit it, i love her but how should i..i tell her?" Mark texts.

"u no, y i luv this couple? bc u two make it obvious u r mad for each other but stay in illusions and dnt admit it, man wht r u afraid of?! she won't slap u. a) bc she loves u b) bc ur too tall for her to reach!" I text.

"lmao, i'm not that tall!"

"yeh, but she'll have to reach high to slap u nd by thn u can run away"

"....i won't hv u mocking ally!"

"sweet love! m showing this to her!"





"You ARE not"








"not or i'll tell stu tht u like him"

"but i dnt"

"miss conception maybe. haha, i can black mail!" 

"agh. fine i wont show it."

"when should i...ask her??"


"talk to her will u?"

"u wnt her, i dnt, well not in tht way. srry hv to go, football practice, ttyl" I text since we arrive to the ground.

"kk, good luck n give ally a hug for me will u?"

"i'll give her a kiss"

"oh cm on!"

"fine, i'll hug her"

"good luck"


"Line-up girls!" Ms. Rittler says.

(an hour later)

The tournaments' toughest and unbeatable side, St. Patrick's Institution. Suddenly I don't want to play this, I doubt myself, I stop thinking that I can do this and I go and sit at a side.

"Kathy?" It's Stuart.

"Hi," I smile.

"You're crying?" Stuart asks.

", I'm fine, super fine," I say but a tear drips out.

"You are, what happened?" Stuart sits beside.

"I..I..can't do this Stuart, I can't..I don't want to lose," I say.

"Oh come on! You haven't lost, it hasn't even started yet!" Stuart says.

"I know, but I..I don't think I have that much of strength to do this," I say.

"But you do! Don't underestimate yourself, Kath! You are talented. Don't worry and stop crying! You don't look nice when you cry," Stuart says. I wipe off my tear and Stuart hugs me. "I know you can do it, Kath! I believe in you, just be yourself and relax." We pull apart. 

"Thanks," I murmur.

"Now come on! Go and line-up and I better join Dad and the others, good luck to you all!" He says and runs away. I join my team-mates. Allysse is busy talking to tha goalie while Ms. Rittler fusses around with the defenders and scolds the girls who aren't standing straight.

(five minutes later)

The whistle blows and we are off! Allysse kicks the ball and runs. A St. Patrick's girl blocks her and she passes it to Feline Richards. Feline aims it to the goal but instead the ball goes high and comes towards me. It hits me on my head. I hear a roar and Feline and Allysse look delighted my team-mates rush towards me, thats the last thing I see, my world goes black.....



Hey ppl! Thanks a ton for 130 votes, you all are the best! 

Love y'll

~Zaynab <3

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