Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:

I get discharged a day after I was admitted. I just hope I'm fit enough for the final! Allysse and Mark have gone shopping so me and Stuart are sitting in Allysse and my room chatting about random stuff, I never knew Stuart could be such fun I always thought he was some one who didn't want to interact with people but he's different around me, Mark and Allysse.

"I hope we win the finals,"I say.

"Just believe in yourself I know you guys can do it," Stuart says.

"I just hope I'll be fine," I say.

"I know you will," Stuart replies.

"Stuart?" I say.


"What do you consider me as yours?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Friend, good friend, fake friend, best friend or what?" I ask.

"Best friend, duh!" He replies. "What do you count me as?"

"Best Friend," I reply. Okay, he trusts me....should I ask? "Stuart?"


"Why..why do you..?" I start.

"Why do you what?"

"Why do you cut?" I say. He sighs.

"I kinda expected that question," He says.

"Come on, I am you best friend right? Don't I deserve to know?"I say. He doesn't reply. "You can trust me, I won't tell anyone, honestly, trust me Stu."

"'s not that I don't trust, it's just that...that I don't want to lose a friend or Mark or Allysse you're the only friends I've got," he replies.

"Only?" I question. He nods. "Well, I don't think I have any friends except for you, Mark and Allysse, real friends I mean. Girls want to be friends with me because of wealth, I used to be like that too, but I realized that they are fake friends thanks to you," I say. Stuart raises a brow. "And the others." I add quickly. "Look, I promise I won't spill it or break this friendship."

"Don't make promises which one can't keep," he replies, calmly.

"Stuart, I don't break promises," I say.

"That's what they all say, the ones I trust, and then they just go betray me. And I'm left alone, alone in the storm, the promises, the friendships, they just break, break like they never existed, it's just words, they might not stay, of course humans aren't perfect, I don't blame them," Stuart says.

So wise, true it is, that the most broken people are the wisest, how is he broken??

"I swear I won't, I swear," I say. Just then there's a knock at the door.



Okay, so here is the new chappie hope you enjoy it!!

~Zaynab <3

thanks a million times for all the votes and reads! ILYSM (ALL OF YOU!)

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