Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

I wasn't able to go to Stuart's house visit him since Dad had planned a family outing and we returned home late at about 9pm and visiting someone at that time doesn't seem right at least to my parents. I plan to visit him today since it's a holiday from school because of the Opening in the evening.

"Hey Kath, wanna practice football?" Josh asks.

"Umm..after a while I have to go next door," I say.

"Why?" He asks.

"Umm..the boy next door, Stuart he didn't come to Allysse's party or to school yesterday I'm going to check if everything's fine," I reply.

"Nice to know you have feelings for someone," Josh grins.

"He's just a friend," I reply and leave the house. I ring Stuart's doorbell. Ding dong!

"Who is it?" A female voice is heard.

"I'm Kathy from next door and I'm Stuart's friend can I meet him?" I ask. The door opens. A really pretty auburn woman stands at the door.

"Why not, my dear! Come on in!" She smiles. I step in. "Stuart's upstairs in his room." She directs me to the room and excuses herself since she has to see the cake in the oven. I climb the flight of stairs and walk to his room. I knock the door. No reply. I knock it again. No reply. Impatiently, I knock again. But still no one answers.

"Stuart?" I say. No reply. I remain silent to hear any activity in the room. I get impatient and I knock loudly. Still no reply. I start to panick and I try to open the door which springs right open. The room is empty.

Must be in the bathroom, I think and wait for him in his room. 10 minutes pass. Must be taking a shower. 15 minutes pass. ..a very long shower! 20 minutes pass. Must be having a bubble bath. Half an hour passes. Must be having a really fun bubble bath! Come out and see what I do! It's almost an hour and now I'm really, really worried!

"Stuart?" I say. No reply. I walk near the bathroom. "Stuart?" I say loudly. Still no reply. I walk near the bathroom door. I knock. No reply. I knock again. No reply.

"STUART?!!" I ask loudly. No voice from the inside or reply. It seems as the bathroom's empty. I slowly open the door. "OH MY GOD!!" Stuart is on the floor, a pool of blood is near his left hand. "STUART!" I cry. I rush toward him. A razor lies next to his right hand. I shake him.

"Stuart, please wake up!" I cry. I feel for his heart beat. It's weak but it's there. I quickly dial for an ambulance. I get up and run for his mother.

"Mrs. Neesham!" I cry. "Hurry!" She comes running.

"What is it dear? You seem like you're about to cry," She smiles.

"It's Stuart," I tell her.

"Oh Lord! That boy did that again!" She cries. "DAVE! DAVE!" Dave? Might be his brother.

"What?" A brown haired boy appears.

"It's your step-brother, we have to got to the hospital," Mrs. Neesham says. Step-brother??

"Yes, Mum," Dave says, seeming least concerned for his brother like his mother who didn't seem really worried and seemed to be acting. Maybe that's just my head. Not all step relations are bad.

"You're Stuart's step-mum?" I ask.

"Yes, didn't he tell you?" She asks.

"He never talked about his family," I say. After three minutes the ambulance arrives and takes Stuart to the hospital where he's admitted to the ER. My mobile rings. It's Josh.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hey, Kath!" Josh says. "How long will you take at your boyfriend's?"

"He's not my boyfriend and I'm not at his house," I tell Josh the whole story.

"That's bad, I'll be on my way there, stay there and don't panic," Josh says and we hang up. Stuart's father, Mr. Neesham also arrives at the hospital. He sobs for his son.

"Why, why does he do that?!" He cries. "He's the only memory of Carly I'm left with!" Carly?Must be his mother. After fifteen minutes, Josh,Mum, Dad, Alex and Ash arrive. They meet Stuart's family and comfort them.

"Mr. Neesham?" Dr. Brown says coming out of the ER.

"Yes, that's me," Mr. Neesham replies.

"Your son is fine now and his life is no longer in danger, he's awake and requests to meet a girl named 'Kathy'," the doctor informs. Stuart wants to meet me? Why? Mr. Neesham nods at me and I go in Stuart's room.

"Stuart! Thank the Lord you're well!" I cry.

"Hi, Kath, you around here?" He asks. I tell him I was the one who discovered this.

"Why did you Stuart? Why did you cut?" I ask.

"Some time later, maybe," he replies. "I wanted to wish you luck for the championships and to wish everyone else good luck too, play well okay? Win, for me, please."

"Ofcourse!" I reply. "I'll do my best, Stu. And while I'm gone please don't do it again, for me, please!"

"Quite a convincer aren't ya Kath?" He smiles. It's nice to see him smile, he hardly does. The doctor comes in.

"Is that even a word?" I ask.

"Dunno, " he says.

"The patient's family wishes to meet the patient, you may leave," he says.

"Bye, Staurt!" I say.

"Bye, Kath," he says. "Goodluck."

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