Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

We set off for the Opening but I can't stop thinking about Stuart. Why did he? Dave was right about him, he does cut...oh why Stu why?

Questions, too many arise in my head. We arrive to the place. I join my school fellows. 

"Hey, Kath!" Allysse greets me. "You look upset."

"Its Stuart," I tell her.

"Oh my! He actually cuts, but why?"

"I don't know, oh I'm so worried for him! What if he does it again?" I say.

"Don't worry, he'll fine," Allysse says.

"Hi girls!" Mark says.

"Hey, Marky," we reply.


"You bet!" I say.

"Aha," Allysse says.

"Right,everyone line up! Now, is everyone here? Brendon? Brendon? There you are! 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24....28! Right, we're all here. Now girls on my left, boys on my right!" We follow the instructions and stand patiently. In about 10 minutes the opening starts. It starts of with a speech by the host school's, Greenwood Academy's principle, Mr. Harry Greenwood. Then the schools march out alphabetically starting with the Archwood School System (ASS).

After St. Patrick's Institution, we march out. I spot my family in the fourth row, they wave and cheer for us.

"Good luck, Kath!" Ash and Alex yell. I wave back at them and smile. After all the schools assemble, we sing the national anthem and then the school anthems. When it's our turn we sing:

"We are the champions.

The champions of The Tasmin High School,

We are to learn, serve our nation and to fight for it too,

We are to preach, teach and read,

We are to study, interpret and to benefit from what the teachers teach,

May we suceed in every limb of life,

May we achieve our goals and aims which are set high,

Above the sky,

May we serve our nation with pride and joy,

And be able to thank our school with all our deeds," I don't think we've ever sung it this loud! Next, Greenwood Academy's students sing One Direction's 'Ready to Run'. The atmosphere is so electric and fun. I just love 'Ready to Run' from the album 'Four'. It's well, fantastic! Okay, of course I'm a Directioner, just that I'm bigger 5sos Fam than a Directioner, I dunno why. The students, two boys and three girls introduced as Willow Kayle, Jennifer Andrews, Michael Clifford, joking Michael Clayton, Louis Tomlinson, okay joking again, Louis Thomas and Luke Hemmings, no joking this time, the guy's name is really Luke Hemmings, dunno if it's Lucas Robert Hemmings or not but wow, Luke Hemming is in the opening! And he plays guitar too! Wow, and he's damn tall and blonde too just doesn't look that much like Luke or has a lip piercing, wonder if he can sing as good as Luke too. So Luke Hemmings and his band members start playing the music and start singing:

"There's a lightning in your eyes, I can't deny
Then there's me inside a sinking boat running out of time
Without you I'll never make it out alive
But I know, yes I know, we'll be alright

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