Chapter 12

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Natasha's pov
The roof

"Your rielles brother?" I asked confused. I thought they were all dead because of a war that she caused...

He turned his attention to me and studied me, he suddenly had a knowing smirk on his face that made me become a little nervous because this is her brother; if he's telling the truth so I don't want to make a bad impression.

"Yes I am." He stated smirking.

"She told us her whole family is dead and all her people are also dead" said Wanda her accent showing.

"Yes well... everyone else is dead. I however am not as you can see. I was actually in a different realm that father locked me in, it's kind of like hell so I was basically the ruler there and I managed demons that help to torture the soles of humans! Because of the rebellion I held against my father because he was a snivelling arsehole" he said smirking.

We were all surprised at this new information because Ethrielle never told us.

"Now I would love to see my sister. I haven't seen her in over two hundred years" he said sadly.

We put our weapons away whilst Tony called fury to tell him the alarm was a false one.

I looked over to see lucifer looking at me and smirking again making me nervous.

I turned away and walked back inside to get Ethrielle whilst everyone else lead lucifer to the living room.

I knocked on her door to get her to open it.
"Elle it's me" I said.

I head the click of the lock and I stepped inside.

Ethrielle's pov

Ethrielle's pov

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Her outfit ^

I watched Natasha walk inside my room and I quickly hugged her and made sure she was ok.

She swatted my hands away and I mock glared at her.

"I'm fine there wasn't even a fight the intruder is harmless" she said to me.

"Ok good. I'm glad your not hurt. So what happened?" I asked her.

She grabbed my hand and lead us both over to the bed where we sat down.
She took a deep breath and I looked at her curiously.

"Ok I have some good news..." she started looking at my face.

I nodded telling her to go on.

"Well there was a man on the roof and he basically said he's your brother" she explained.

She started talking about the things he said to the team but all I could focus on was the fact that my brothers alive.

Oh god.

What if he hates me for killing our family?
I'm pregnant.
He doesn't know.
He's going to kill me.

But he's back.
My brother.
Wait which brother?

"Which brother?" I asked Natasha.
She stopped talking; quickly taking in my distressed face.

"He said his name is lucifer"

My lips twitched upwards.

He wouldn't hate me.
He doesn't judge me for anything.
He is the devil of course.
I was always closest with lucifer.

I stood up and headed to the door, I stopped in my tracks and turned to Nat.

"Come on show me where he is" I said smiling brightly.

She smiled a little before getting up and taking my hand.

We walked down the hall and towards the living room where I saw the team sitting in the sofa all looking in the same direction. I followed their line of sight to see my brother in his usual smart attire making a bourbon for himself with Tony's stash.

I withheld the giggle when I saw Tony glaring at him but lucifer just smirked.

"Luci" I exclaimed to get his attention.

Everyone looked at me weirdly for the nickname but I didn't care.

He spun around and smiled brightly at me but his eyes landed on my stomach and they widened.

But I quickly ran to him and he wrapped his arms around me.
"I missed you so much Ellie" he whispered in my ear.

"I though you were dead" I sobbed.

He pulled back and wiped my tears away smiling at me.
"Not dead. I was in that realm that father locked me in when I rebelled against him remember?"

I nodded but in all honesty I did forget that was where he was I just thought he was dead.

I looked him in the eyes and sobbed.
"I killed everyone luci. I lost control I couldn't stop it! I'm so sorry"

"Hey. Hey. It's not your fault Ellie like you said you couldn't stop it" he hugged me tightly till I calmed down.

I nodded.

He pulled back and looked at me sternly.
"Now why don't you tell me what happened to lead to this situation because last time I checked girls couldn't get other girls pregnant little sister." He said smirking at the last part.

I gaped at him.
"Wha- how- what?" I spluttered.

He chuckled and lead me to the sofa where everyone was watching our encounter with soft smiles.

"How did I know you were into girls?" He asked. And I nodded with my eyes still wide.

"Sister you never took and interest in all of the gentlemen trying to get your attention back home and you were always looking at the girls not so subtly checking them out" he said smirking.

I blushed when everyone laughed and I felt someone sit beside me.

I turned and saw Natasha.
I smiled brightly at her and grabbed her hand.

"And there's also that" lucifer said gaining my attention again.

I turned back to him and saw him smiling and raising an eyebrow knowingly at me.

"Well Natasha is my soulmate. When I got to earth I got a small mark on my wrist and that was a soul mark. We met each other when I joined the avengers and found out we were soulmates so obviously we started dating" I explained to him.

He nodded smiling a little.
"You look happy." He stated.

I smiled back at him.
"I am, very."

He turned serious again and this was the moment I was dreading.

"Now who got you pregnant. Because I know for a fact that you would not do anything with a man willingly so that leads me to think you were forced and if you were whoever he is... there dead." He stated eyes going red which made some people gasp.

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