Chapter 6

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*this chapter has triggering topics*
*short chapter*

(Natasha's pov)

It's been a couple of hours and Rielle still hasn't come back; I'm really starting to worry she only said she'd be out for a hour or two and it's been five.

The whole team were starting to worry, well everyone but Tony who kept telling everyone else that maybe she lost track of time. But I don't think that's the case because I've tried calling her on her phone but it isn't working.

I really hope she's ok but I've been thinking the worst, like maybe there was an accident and she's injured even though we haven't heard anything. It's still a possibility. What if she's been kidnapped?

"Nat stop stressing I'm sure she's going to come back any minute know" said Wanda who read my thoughts.

I gave her a weak smile in response and continued to pace up and down the side of the room.

(Ethrielle's pov)
5 hours since she was taken

I woke up with a groan and opened my eyes, I was met with a concrete looking wall and floor, I sat in the middle of the small room on a horrible looking mattress.

I noticed my hands were chained up to the ceiling and were long enough that I wasn't completely lying down.

I jumped when I noticed the creepy man from this morning sitting on a chair in the corner.

"w...w..what do you want?" I stuttered.

He chuckled darkly and stood up and started walking near me.

"You" he grinned widely.

"Why a..are you d..doing this?"
Yes if you couldn't tell I'm scared shitless I mean I am chained to a ceiling on a mattress with a creepy guy staring at me.

"Because my king ordered me to do something since your the last remaining angel we need you. Oh yes... by the way Crowley sends his love" he smirked watching recognition flicker in my eyes.

Crowley... king of hell. His king. He's a demon. Oh no; that's where he got the angel drug from that knocks us out.

"Why do you need me?" I mean I think I know why they need me, I'm a woman and yeah...

"Well, we need a new heir and there has always been an half angel half demon heir because they are able to travel to heaven and back because well they will be half angel" he chuckled darkly.

I whimpered and tried not to cry, i honestly wish I was dead. I know what he's suggesting that for angels is sacred and for only two people who love each other.

I've never been in love and he doesn't have the right to take my choice away from me.

"No" I whispered

He chuckled and made his way over to me.
"No?" He threw his head back and laughed an obnoxious laugh.

"Oh princess you don't get a choice, we can do this the hard way or the easy way. Just let it happen and I promise I'll be nice to you while you remain here till the little Prince/ Princess is born"

I began to cry and I felt him wipe away my tears, I flinched at his touch and tried to get away but the chains were stopping me.

I don't have my strength because of that drug that knocked me out he must have injected me with some.

"Please... no" I pleaded with him.

"Shhhh princess I'll take good care of you" he whispered in my ear his hot breath hitting my neck making me squeeze my eyes closed.

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