Chapter 17

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Ethrielle's pov

A few hours later we were on our second movie. I had been timing my contractions and they have been closer together. I had told Nat so now we're on our way to medical now.

I held her hand tighter as another contraction hit.

"Come on breath. We're nearly there" she said softly.

I nodded and we kept walking towards medical.

As soon as we arrived doctors and nurses rushed towards us and I was taken in a wheel chair towards my room.

As soon as they got me changed and settled on the bed Nat came in the room and smiled at me.

I tried to smile back but it came out as a sort of grimace with the amount of pain I was in.

She pulled a chair up beside the bed and held my hand.
"What did the doctor say?" She asked

"They said I was 6 cm dilated" I said through clenched teeth as I shifted again.

"So how long before you can deliver?"

"I need to be 10 cm so probably a couple of hours" I told her.

I finally relaxed as my contraction subsided.


Finally I was ready to deliver, it had been a very long 2 painful ours.

The doctor came back into my room examined me.

"Right I think your ready to push now" he told me.

I did as he said and pushed, I felt the baby coming down as I bit by lip trying not to cry out in pain.

"Come on baby you can do it" I heard Nat whisper softly in my ear.

I pushed again and felt the head come out. I relaxed back on the bed for a little bit.

"Come on one more push and you should get the body out" I heard the doctor say.

I nodded and held Nats hand tightly and pushed.

"Ahhh" I exclaimed as the baby came out.

The doctor cuz the cord and took the baby away over to clean them up.

I heard the baby crying and I watched as the doctor came back over to me with a small bundle in his arms.

"Congratulations you had a healthy baby girl" I hear him tell me.

I took her carefully out of his arms and held her agains my chest as I stroked her cheek.

I smiled softly as she started to sleep on my chest.

I looked over at Nat and saw her watching us both with a fond smile. I smiled softly at her.

"Wanna hold your daughter?" I asked her quietly trying not to wake her.

"Really?" She asked warily.

I nodded and handed her the baby who we have yet to get a name for.

"She's perfect Elle"

A/N sorry if some of the information is wrong I don't know much about delivering babies and stuff like that lol but hope u enjoyed it :)

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