Chapter 13

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Ethrielle's pov

My eyes widened knowing how bad my brothers temper can be.

"Luci no. Don't kill anyone. Besides he's gone back to hell now" I said but my eyes widened when I realised what I let slip.

"WHAT!" He shrieked standing up and pacing; he muttered curses under his breath.

"Hell?" He asked turning to me and I nodded slowly.

"Name?" He pressed.

"Malphas" I said hesitantly knowing not to argue with my brother when he's mad.

He chuckled darkly and everyone widened their eyes.
"Oh that little swine. I'll kill him. No actually I'll have one of my demons come to earth and look for him because the portal to hell hasn't been opened for at least 8 months therefore he isn't there he's still here. I'd know." He rambled.

"Lucifer no." I said sternly, his head wiped around to me and he rose a eyebrow.

"No? Wha- what do you mean no?! He hurt you Ellie. I'm going to call Mazikeen and have him torture him and then I'm going to punish him" he said.

My face lit up with joy when he mentioned one of my best friends.

"Maze?" I asked hopefully.

He nodded his head smiling a little at my excitement.

"Oh please let me see maze. But don't torture malphas that's not the was we do things we will probably arrest him." I explained to him.

He looked mad and was about to protest but he saw my face and backed down.

He sat in his chair and started to drink his untouched bourbon.

I leaned into Natasha who had wrapped her arm around me.

"So how far along are you?" Asked lucifer.

I smiled and placed a hand on my growing bump.
"5 months" I replied.

He hummed and looked around the room to see all the avengers looking at him and he smirked.

"So who are the single ones because I know red over there's off limits" he asked me loudly so the others heard, they all started glaring at him.

I laughed.
"No luci. There all have soulmates"

He nodded.
"I bought a club" He stated and everyone once again looked shocked.

"Really where?" I asked curiously.

"Los Angeles . It's called lux "

I nodded my head.
"Does that mean your staying then?"

He smirked at me.
"Well there are a lot of mortal girls and boys that need my attention. I might have some good orgies. What have you been doing for fun whilst you've been here dead sister?" He asked smirking when some of the avengers gasped at the orgy part.

I smirked and Natasha looked at me with her eyebrow raised.

"Nothing really luci, I mean I wouldn't cheat on my soulmate. But I haven't been doing anything fun really I mean at first I had some missions where I could fight bad people and stuff like that but then I was kidnapped and after that I couldn't really do anything because of the pregnancy so it has been rather boring but I don't mind" I explained to him.

"Well that sounds like a fun time. Whilst I was on earth I bought my club and I also became a consultant for the LAPD. I also met a girl her name is Chloe. I call her the detective. She's infatuated with me I can tell, however I have yet to get her to sleep with me." He explained and I nodded along.

"Hm sounds like fun" I smirked at him.

"Yes it is. However nobody seems to believe that I am the devil. I keep telling them but they won't have it"

I laughed.
"Well luci humans are naive like that" I saw all the avengers glare at me showing they were still actually listening in on our conversation and not actually watching the tv like they were pretending to.

I smiled innocently at them.

Lucifers phone goes off and he reads it and smirks.

"Maze is here"

I look at him wide eyed.
"When did you call her?" I questioned.

He smirked at me.
"I didn't I texted her"

I rolled my eyes and muttered 'smart ass' under my breath.

"Sir there seams to be a young woman threatening the security downstairs" said F.R.I.D.A.Y

I giggled as lucifer ran into the elevator and took it downstairs whilst we just watched.

I leaned back into Natasha and she smiled at me softly, I leaned in and kissed her on the lips quickly.

"So who's maze?" She asked.

I smiled thinking of my best friend.
"She's my best friend, I saw her a couple of times when father allowed me to visit lucifer and I always hung out with her, she even taught me how to fight better that the warriors in heaven so we quickly became friends. She's also a demon and is so badass" I rambled.

"She sounds fun. I feel like we would get along" She said with a smile whilst looking at me.

"Yeah you actually remind me of her" I said to her. She was about to reply but the elevator opened and we heard voiced.

"I had him lucifer. Why must you insist on acting like a mortal and following all these rules! He called me sweetheart. I am no sweetheart he deserved to have my knife stuck up his ass" I heard my best friend exclaim to my brother.

They both walked into the living room and she hadn't noticed me yet.

"Ok lucifer what's this surprise you have" she asked sounding bored and crossing her arms in front of her chest

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"Ok lucifer what's this surprise you have" she asked sounding bored and crossing her arms in front of her chest.

Lucifer didn't say anything he just smirked and pointed in my direction.

She followed his finger till her eyes locked with mine and I smiled brightly at her.
She jumped over the couch instead of walking around it like a normal person making me giggle.

I held my arms out for her and she ran towards me engulfing me in a hug.

"I missed you so much rielle" she mumbled.

"Missed you too maze"

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