Chapter 2

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(Ethrielle's pov)
The next morning

I opened my eyes and noticed I was in the same room as yesterday, I hoped it had been some kind of bad dream but I guess I was wrong; none of it was a dream.


I still can't feel them; I keep wanting to feel a connection to my family or even just my people but nothing.

I saw director fury outside my door talking to the guards; he noticed I was awake and came in grinning like an idiot. I wonder what he is exited about?

"Come on we can go to your new home to meet your team members when your ready" he said waiting near the door.

I sighed and stood up from the bed; I flattened my dress back down from where it had crinkled due to myself shifting in my sleep.

I looked in the small mirror on the wall and fixed my hair a tad, it wasn't as messy as I thought it was and I didn't really need to shower like most humans because angels don't shower we are always clean unless we get dirty. We don't have body oder like these ridiculous creatures.

I have a forced smile to fury and walked out with him. We walked down the hallways, everyone was now looking at me curiously; my guess is that people have been talking about their prisoner.

Yes I'm calling myself a prisoner, I don't have free will. I'm being forced to join this team.

We walked further down the many hallways till we got to a door with a panel on the side like the one from yesterday, he typed a code into it and it lead to what looked to be a car garage.

We both walked over to a car with a man waiting beside it.

"This is happy. He will be taking you to the avengers compound" fury said whilst indicating to the man.

He gave a smile and opened the back door for me, I got into the car and sat in the seat and happy closed the door behind me. I didn't bother to say goodbye to fury because I didn't want to, I think he's an imbecile.

Happy got into the front seat and turned the engine on and drove out onto the street.

I looked out the window curiously at earth, might as well get used to it since I can't get back to heaven without the gate keeper who is in fact dead. I sighed an looked at the mark on my arm.

"Hey happy?" I asked the man

"Yes ma'am?"

"What's this mark on my arm? Did your people brand me or something?" I asked him holding up my wrist so he could see through the mirror.

His eyes widened a little when I showed him but he quickly looked back to the road and shook his head.

"No ma'am that is a soul mark" he responded.

I looked at it curiously, does that mean I have a soulmate because I was certain I didn't have one in heaven. In fact I was arranged to be married to one of the worriers arranged by my father, I never even met this man but I didn't want to get married either I remember how my father and I used to fight about it.

"What does it mean?" I asked once I got shaken out of my thoughts by the rain hitting the vehicle.

He looked at me strangely and then continued driving.

"Well your soulmate has the same mark and when you are near him or her it burns till you accept it. Once you accept your soulmate you will be together until you both die. It's basically your one true love" he explained.

I was a little shocked that someone out there is willing to love me after everything I have done, maybe I'll have to tell them if I meet them.

I nodded my head in acknowledgement and continued to look out the window until the vehicle stopped in front of a large looking building with the letter 'A' on the side.

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