Chapter 15

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Ethrielle's pov

I watched as maze proceeded to walk to the elevator, once the doors closed I turned around to face lucifer and glared at him.

He saw my expression and smiled innocently.

"You should have stopped her. You know what she's like she hunts and tortures for sport; she will definitely end up killing malphas" I raised my voice at him.

"So?" He deadpanned

I sighed.
"Luci. We don't kill people" I reminded him.

"But he's a demon. Not a person" my brother told me with a wicked grin on his face.

I huffed and sat on the couch next to Nat who pulled me into her side.
"To be fair, I would have tried to kill him if we ever did find him" she told me.

I smiled slightly at her as the rest of the avengers watched as lucifer poured himself another one of Tony's drinks.

I looked over at Tony to see him glaring at my brothers head.

"Well I'm off! Got to get back to my lovely club, and of course the amazing detective" announced lucifer.

I pouted at him.

"Oh don't give me the puppy eyes. Rielle; I have to go back" he walked over to me and helped me off the couch.

My brother hugged me being careful of my large baby bump.

"You'll visit sometime right?" I asked sounding like a vulnerable child.

"Of course little sister" he smiled at me before bidding goodbye to the rest of the avengers.

Not bothering to use the lift he walked out to the balcony and jumped off it.
I simply sat back down on the sofa whilst the rest of the avengers stared wide eyed at where he jumped; they must have forgotten that angels have wings.

Just proving my point my brother flew back up and waved at me.

I waved back as I giggled at the rest of the teams expressions of relief.

I caught the clock on the wall out of the corner of my eye and saw how late it was.
"I think I'm going to go to bed now I'm exhausted" I told the team.

I heard multiple responses as I walked out of the living room with Natasha dragging behind me. "Goodnight/night Ethrielle/Rielle"

"Do you want me to stay with you again tonight?" She asked me as we walked towards my door.

"Please." I smiled softly at her.

We both walked into my room and proceeded to do what we usually do every night.

Natasha got changed in the bathroom and I got changed in my room, she knocked on the door as she knows I'm not really ready for us to start the next step of our relationship which involves seeing each other's bodies with no clothes on.

"I'm done!" I called to her. She came out of the bathroom and walked towards me where I was lying in the bed.

I pulled back to covers and she slid into them.
We got into our usual position where I would be the little spoon and she would be the big spoon.

"Goodnight Nat. I love you" I muttered softly to her.

"I love you too; Goodnight baby" I heard her say back just as I closed my eyes.

A/N ughhhh! It's so bad. But I haven't updated in ages so I really wanted to get a new chapter out for you guys. Sorry that it's rlly short again.

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