Chapter 18

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Ethrielle's pov

It had been a few hours since I delivered the baby and I've been thinking about names.

Natasha and I hadn't really talked about baby names much but I had a few ideas.
I wanted her name to be of angel culture, she is an angel after-all. The demon side to her shouldn't effect her life much; she'll just be stronger than a normal angel and have some demonic features such as black wings or red eyes.

I felt her shift slightly in my arms making me look down at her, she opened her gorgeous eyes allowing me to see the colour of them for the first time. I was happy to see that she had gotten my blue eyes.

I smiled softly at her whilst allowing her to hold onto my finger.

"Hello there little love" I cooed

She made a cute little noise making the smile on my face grow.

"Mummy was just thinking of giving you a name" I told her, obviously I knew she couldn't really understand but it's nice talking to her.

I looked into her eyes and finally decided on a name I knew would be perfect for her.

I'll have to talk to Nat about it because she is her daughter too.

Just as I was thinking about her she came walking through the door with her phone in hand.

"I just talked to the team, they all want to come and meet the baby but some of them are pretty banged up after the mission. So I just told them they can wait till we come back. But Wanda, Steve and Thor are going to come down to meet her now" she explained to me.

I nodded happy with that as I was closest to Wanda so I was glad that my best friend was coming.

"I've just been thinking about names" I told her.

She smiled softly at the baby in my arms who was looking at her curiously, once she had seen that Nat was looking she made a cute noise again.

I giggled a little as Nat 'awed'.

"Yeah what names have you come up with" she asked taking her attention away from the baby.

"Just one... Laila" I smiled at her proud of the name I had come up with.

"That's an unusual name, is it an angelic one?" She asked.

I nodded.

"It's very beautiful and I think it suits her. It means night beauty" I told her.

"It is very beautiful. And I love it" she confirmed.

I smiled brightly at her and kissed Laila on her head.

Just as we had finished talking someone peaked into our room, looking over I saw my best friend who smiled softly at the sight of Leila and I.

I motioned for her to come in, she happily obliged letting Thor and Steve follow in after her.

"She's gorgeous" Wanda gushed.

"Yeah" I agreed.

"She is a glorious looking mingardian" commented Thor making me shoot him a distasteful look.

"Not mingardian. Archangel." I stated.

He nodded quickly shooting me an apologetic smile.

"Congratulations you two. Have you guys decided on a name for her?" Steve asked

I shared a look with Nat and we both smiled.
"Leila" I told them

"That's so pretty" cooed Wanda

Steve and Thor both nodded in agreement.
"If I'm not mistaken I do believe it means night beauty if it's from archangel culture?" Thor questioned me hesitantly

"Yeah I thought it would suit her because she has my eyes but they are a lot more darker; like the night sky" I explained smiling softly at my daughter.

A/N yes ik it's not really an angelic name or whatever but it does mean night beauty when it's from arabic roots so yeah. Hope u enjoyed this chapter. I thought it was cute :)

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