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The next ran by smoothly. The team ran a few more harmless tests on the merman while Aphmau and Aaron, as always, we're there to talk him through it. Garroth didn't fully trust the researchers though. He noticed that they were more demanding than the others. They also weren't afraid to be rougher with him, rubbing his skin a little too harshly or gripping him tighter than a normal person would. He realized that he was only seen as an animal to them instead of a person as Aphmau and Aaron did. It was just one more reason for him to be excited to get out of there.

"Are you doing okay?", Aaron asked, sincerely when lunch started. He leaned down by the edge of the pool, wanting to talk to Garroth at eye level which the blonde appreciated. He smiled and said; "I'm fine. Just tired already. Do you know what tests they are going to have me do after they come back?"

"I think they want to test your speed again,", Aaron sighed, knowing that they did it that morning as well. "Look...just let us know if you're uncomfortable with anything. Aph and I are here to make sure your happy here. At least until we can figure something out."

"As I said, I'm fine. So far, besides those shots from yesterday, nothing has been that frightening,", Garroth insisted, leaning on the pool's edge. "I really appreciate that you two are doing all of this for me."

"It's nothing really. Besides, I think Aph would regret not helping you. Even if this turns out to be a friendly experiment."

"Heh...Well, tell her thanks from me."

"You can tell her yourself," Aaron smirked, playfully punching the merman. "I know what you two did last night. She had a great time."

The blonde blushed slightly, beginning to play with the hair behind his ear.  "I-I guess you're right...but, thank you, Aaron. For everything you've done so far."

"No problem bud. Now, rest a bit while everyone's out."

The blonde nodded and ducked back under the water. Aaron went off to go find Aphmau so they could head out for lunch. He found her in the lab, typing something on her computer. He came up to her and asked; "You ready to head out?"

"Yep!", She said in a peppy tone. She got up and grabbed her bag, about to leave when Dr. Vix came into the room. He saw the two and came up to them saying; "Oh! I'm so glad I caught you two before you left! I needed to tell you both something."

"Sure...? What's up?", Aphmau asked, a little wary of what was so important.

"Well Miss Aphmau, it actually pertains to you. Our security cameras showed us that you have spent the past two nights here,", He started, adjusting his glasses. "As much as I appreciate you getting closer with the creature-"


"S-Sorry...Garroth,", Dr. Vix corrected himself, straightening his tie. "The team and I would appreciate it if you could stop doing that."

Aphmau's heart sank. She became awfully concerned as to why he could want her gone. She glanced up at Aaron who was glancing at her...she knew she couldn't create a scene here in front of everyone. Instead, she took a deep breath and said; "Of course...I apologize for not asking first. But, I am curious, why do you need me to not be there?" 

"Well...we just think we need him to be fully rested every night for the tests." 


The night sky glowed with stars as the group of young adults talked about everything that had happened that day outside on the roof patio. Aphmau had to move her stuff here after work, saying a sad goodbye to the merman. It was hard to discuss everything with Vylad and Katelyn without giving out any information that was too important. 

"That's suspicious,", Vylad sighed, taking a sip of his soda after hearing about the situation. "What type of tests are they conducting that they need his full energy for?" 

"That's why we're worried,", Aphmau said, combing her hair back. "Aaron and I found some documents a while ago describing not so...friendly things. What if they already planning to do all that?" 

"They wouldn't kill him,", Katelyn said to assure her sister. "He's too valuable and groundbreaking that it'd be idiotic to hurt him in any way. Right?" 

"I don't know. When it comes to knowledge researchers will be willing to do anything. Especially if it means that it could possibly make a major impact in the world,", Aaron admitted, equally as worried for the blonde. "Garroth can stand up for himself though. So, I'm not too scared about it." 

"Aph, are you okay?", Katelyn asked softly, noticing Aphmau's long face as she stirred her tea. 

She took a deep breath as she looked up and said; "I've been kicked out of my own home, I have a man's life in my hands, and I can't seem to figure out either of those problems. So, in all honesty, no I'm not." 

Katelyn rested a hand on hers and said; "Look. We're going to turn this thing around. I'm sure we can figure something out." 

"Like what? We'll get fired if we try anything too crazy and we can't lose our jobs." 

Katelyn sunk back into her chair defeated herself. She hated seeing Aphmau so upset but, she had no idea how to cheer her up. "Maybe...Maybe we don't need to worry about a thing." 

"Look, how about we all go to bed and after figuring some more things out at work, we can figure something out,", Vylad suggested. 

"Agreed,", Aaron puffed out. "Besides, Melissa is probably wondering where I am. I'll see you guys tomorrow." 

"Okay..bye Aaron,", Aphmau slightly smiled, giving him a side hug. The male instead gave her a full-on hug before saying; "There's no need to worry. Everything is going to be fine." 

Then, he left with his bag and waved goodbye, leaving the three alone on the roof. When Aphmau turned back to look at her friends, she saw Katelyn smirking and asked; "What?"

 "So, you like the fishman but, you don't have any feelings for Aaron?", She questioned, raising an eyebrow. Aphmau's face flushed out before sputtering out; "N-No! Aaron and I are just friends and I would like to keep it that way! Besides, we're co-workers! It'd be so unprofessional!" 

"Yeah! And they already tried. It just didn't work out,", Vylad snickered. 

"Vylad!", Aphmau shouted, causing the two to erupt with laughter. "Look...Aaron is a really nice guy but, I just don't see him like that. At least, I don't anymore. And for your information, I don't like Garroth either!"

"Well, listen to me,", Katelyn said, locking eyes with her. "Garroth is going to leave eventually, right? So, if you do catch feelings, it would be heartbreaking to say goodbye. That's why I mentioned Aaron. I just thought he was a better option." 

"I understand...and thank you for the concern but, I'll be okay,", Aphmau assured her. "Anyway, I'm tuckered out. Wanna head to bed?" 

"Sure. I could use the sleep,", Vylad smiled, getting up from the table. 

The three all got up and went into the apartment where they saw Zianna putting her coat on. Confused as to why his mother was leaving so late, Vylad asked her immediately; "Mom, where are you going?"

When she turned, there was panic written on her face but, she cooled down and said calmly; "Aaron forgot something so, I'm going to run it over to the Lycan's real quick." 

"Oh! Zianna, that's so sweet of you but, I can give it to him tomorrow if that's-", Aphmau offered but, was interrupted by the woman by saying; "No! No...that's alright. It's not too much of a hassle. Besides, I haven't seen the family in a while. It'd be nice to catch up for a minute or so." 

With that, she left without saying goodbye and the group heard her walk down the stairs to head out of the deli. Vylad was still put off by the whole thing but, decided to leave it for tomorrow. The group then headed off to bed, ready for a new day...

Word Count: 1373

Ocean Blue Eyes//A Garmau AUWhere stories live. Discover now