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Aphmau woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes outside her room. She groaned as she pushed herself out of bed and walked sluggishly out the door. When she reached the kitchen, she was shocked to see Katelyn there putting a few more cakes on a large plate. When she turned, she smiled saying; "Good morning! Go sit down!"

"Katelyn...you really didn't have to-"

"Don't mention it. Now, eat up before Ein comes down and ruins it,", She whispered the last part before winking playfully at the younger woman.

Aphmau thanked her and took a seat at the table while Katelyn handed her a plate. The two sat across from each other and the blunette took no time at all to start up a conversation.

"You got home late last night. What was up at work?", She asked, already taking a bit of her breakfast.

That reminded Aphmau of what she saw at the lab. It haunted the raven-haired girl all night, causing her to get little sleep. She bit her lip, trying to find an excuse for the blunette. Paperwork? Lab reports? Overtime?

"Something just came up is all. How was your day yesterday?", Aphmau asked, changing the topic quickly.

"It was fine...I went to that Deli you told me about the other night. I met Vylad and his parents who were very welcoming once I told them who I was. Actually, Zianna was the one who remembered me,", She chuckled. "Vylad was embarrassed at her squealing in excitement. Disrupted the whole store! Luckily, she hugged me tightly so I didn't notice all the stares we were getting!"

Aphmau giggled. That sounded like Zianna. Always loud and outgoing, even to the point where it's overwhelming. It makes her seem like she has no idea the social cues of society. That's what drew her mom and her together. Sylvanna loves those types of people.

"She actually asked if we would like to come back together today. She said she hasn't seen you in a while, which is unusual for you..."

"Heh, don't worry too much. It's only been a day or so since I went there. Work, you know?"

"Hmm...I see."

The two ate in silence for a while before Ein entered the room, the same state as always in the morning. He was trying to wake himself up while keeping himself stable while doing so.

"Morning,", Katelyn said, not looking up at him. Aphmau noticed the slight bitterness in her tone.

Ein remained silent as he got himself a plate, not thanking his step-sister for making it. Aphmau, thinking he should say something, asked; "Aren't you going to say thank you?"

"To you? Um, thanks, I guess...", Ein shrugged.

Aphmau was going to correct him but, Katelyn said something before she got the words out. "First of all, I made them. Second of all, is that really how you thank your sister? Even if I made them, if she hadn't said anything, you wouldn't even thank anyone at all!"

"Why are you lecturing me?", Ein snapped back. "Besides, she always does this type of stuff for me. I'm thankful for it and she knows that. I don't need to say anything!"

"You sure? You don't seem to act like your thankful for what she does for you. That sends mixed messaging to her!,", Katelyn explained, now looking at the male. "I'm grateful that you've treated me with...kindness since I've been here but, now it's time you start treating her like your sister! She's blood related to you!"

"Katelyn, stop,", Aphmau urged. "Ein...Ein does thank me from time to time. I appreciate the help but, I really don't need to get into this right now."

Katelyn frowned but, agreed to stop. Aphmau sent her a reassuring look that everything is fine, she just didn't want to get into an argument this morning.

Ocean Blue Eyes//A Garmau AUWhere stories live. Discover now