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The great ocean is home to many creatures. Fishes that varies in size, color, and shape all live peacefully by the kingdom of O'Khasis ruled over by King Garte. A kingdom of gold and sapphires lined with bright coral. Mermaids and men swim joyfully behind it's walls under the waves. Emphasis on under. The King declared twenty-three years ago that all merfolk remain under the surface. After the disappearance of the Queen, he fears that his people are in danger if ever discovered. Most importantly though, he wanted to protect his two sons, Garroth and Zane. They were the only thing he had left and he feared that their safety would be tarnished if they ever ventured up above.

Unfortunately they got older.

"Come on Zane!", Garroth shouted back to his brother, his teal and gold tail behind him as he swam quickly through the city. It was dark and the city was lit only by the noctiluca scintillans, guiding the princes' way through the city.

"I'll remind you again that this was your idea. Not mine,", Zane shouted back, following his brother, his silver and black tail pushing him forward. "I don't need to rush."

"You're just scared that Dad will get angry at us,", The older one teased as he slowed down to swim by his brother's side.

"Exactly and I see nothing wrong with that. Remember when you were the one always following the rules when we were kids? Remember how easy to was back then?"

"I grew out of it,", Garroth shrugged.

"You don't grow out of maturity!", Zane called out as Garroth swam in front of him again.

The two raced to the wall where their escape route was. They built it when they were teens and always used it when they had a chance to see what it was like outside. All they had to do was remove the bars that acted as a door to make sure no one grew suspicious. Garroth quickly started tucking them out one by one, while Zane waited patiently by.

"Dad is gonna have our head,", Zane muttered, crossing his arms.

"You say that every time and nothing happens Zane,", Garroth insisted.

"What are you two doing?"

The two snapped their heads back to see Laurance, Blaze, and Lucinda floating there looking disappointed. The two men were the princes personal guards while Lucinda was the royal family's mage...well soon to be mage. Her mother holds the title at the moment.

"We are uh,", Garroth stammered, looking at the door and then back at his friends, "taking a evening swim."

"Outside of the walls?", Lucinda asked with a smirk on her face, crossing her arms.

Zane glared at his brother who got one right back from the blonde.

"Garroth, how many times do we have to tell you that going out there is dangerous?", Laurance asked.

"And how many times have I come back safely?"

The three of them didn't find it amusing. He decided to try and reason with them. "I have all the supplies I need. I have a map, my sword, and my glow coral if I can't see."

The three of them secretly sympathized with the two princes. The King basically saw them as children still even though they've both received high education and sword training from the best in the kingdom. They knew they could handle themselves. Yet, they didn't want to risk it either.

"Garthy-bro...please understand that you have to move on from this. You're the heir to the throne. It sucks but, you need to really focus on that. Not just for your father but, for the kingdom,", Blaze tried to break through with his bro.

Ocean Blue Eyes//A Garmau AUWhere stories live. Discover now