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Aphmau was sitting outside on the front porch step, hearing the seagulls caw in the distance as the sun was starting to go down. She couldn't believe what was going on...and it hit her that she hadn't really sat to think about it all since she met Garroth. This whole situation felt unreal and she knew that she would never have an experience like this again in her life. Part of her believed she would wake up again in her home and it'd be a dream. Another part of her feared that, knowing that would mean Garroth was fake along with it.
She also thought about the fact that it would be over soon. He was going home...tonight. One way or another, they would have to say goodbye.

She then heard a slight knock on the door frame. She turned her head over to see the blonde himself giving her a shy smile. "Can I join you?"

"Sure," She said with a small grin. He took a seat next to her and sighed. He looked out into the horizon as well, saying; "This place is beautiful. I can see why my Mom stayed...."

"Yeah...it is."

There was a wave of silence for a few moments before the blonde started up conversation again, saying; "Hey...I wanted to say thank you. A lot. I have no idea where I'd be if it weren't for you and Aaron. Because of you, I'm going home...and I don't think I can ever repay in a way that means the world to you as much as you have given the world to me."

She gave him another soft look as she said; "It's no biggie. Anyone in my position would've done it."

"You know that's not true," He simply stated. She giggled and said; "Yeah. Humans are assholes most of the time nowadays."

There was yet another wave of silence. Aphmau then started the conversation again, saying; "Thank you...for helping me. You have no idea how much of a dark place I was in before you came. By you defending me, I think Ein got a taste of his own medicine."

He frowned in concern and asked; "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know...I mean, I might not have a job here and have to transfer somewhere else. I think I might just leave to be honest."

"Leave Phoenix Drop Harbor?"

"Yeah...I love it here and the people as well but, I can't stay around if he's here."

"Why not?"

She gave him a confused stare as she said; "He's abusive? A psychopath? If I stay, I will never hear the end of it."

"Or...you can stand up for yourself and kick him out. Don't put up with his antics," The blonde suggested.

"Okay...but what about my job?"

"Trust me...if we get away with this, I'm sure you'll have your job back. Especially since they have no proof you actually did anything."

"Maybe..." They were quiet again. Then, Aphmau asked; "What about us?"

He looked to her and asked; "What do you want to do?"

"I mean...we can still see each other. Just maybe in a different way."

"But it might be a different that's weird?"

"Y-Yeah," She shyly said, hugging her knees to her chest. "Garroth...maybe it's best if we don't see each other again. That way you're not in danger..."

"Aph...I want to see you again."

"But it won't be the same. You know I like you...but if we can't be together then what's the point?"

"I guess you're right..." A look of disappointment covered his face as he leaned back on his hands. Aphmau frowned at him, wanting to say something to comfort him but, all she could get out was; "Garroth please don't take it the wrong way. If I could, I would spend the rest of my life with you. But, with our two separate worlds, it would be difficult."

"I know Aph," The blonde assured her he wasn't upset with her, taking her hand gently. "I just wish I could be smart for once and figure out a way to make this work."

She rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes as she heard his quiet heartbeat pick up speed. "Let's just enjoy this hm?"

The blonde gave an empathetic to her as he wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her arm up and down. "Yeah...let's do that..."

They stared at the orange and pink sky as seagulls passed by. The scent of the salty waves filled the air as the two of them just took a moment to take it in. The blonde kissed her silky black hair, smelling her lilac and lavender shampoo. She felt warm in her arms and little did he know he was making her feel warmer than she ever felt.

"Thank you for showing me the world Aph..."

"Thank you for giving me my world back..."

Word Count: 834

Just a short and sweet chapter before we get into the angst<3

Ocean Blue Eyes//A Garmau AUWhere stories live. Discover now