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Zane swam down the halls of the castle, waving to guards as he passed by. He was sick and tired of his father just ignoring him. Kawaii~Chan helped him realize that he needed as much support as he could get. He passed by Laurance and Blaze who gave him a confused gaze, the raven-hair merman just brushing them off as he continued on. He knew he was gliding on thin ice here but, he needed to talk to his father.
He stopped in front of his office door, hesitating before knocking. He heard his father's mumbled voice call out; "Come in." He took a deep breath and pushed open the doors, slipping in. Garte looked surprised to see his son, since he usually never stopped by. He just weakly smiled though, exhaustion written all over his face.

"It's good to see you my son," He said, formally. "What do I owe the pleasure of?"

Zane nervously began to speak, saying; "I need to talk to you about what's going on." Garte then grimaced, sitting back, letting him speak. "Garroth's been gone for over two weeks now and have barely spoken to me since then. Do you understand that I'm struggling too with this? I need my father to be a little more supportive."

"You're a grown man Zane,", Garte defended himself, crossing his arms again. "You don't need me to comfort you anymore."

Zane rolled his eye, already over this conversation but, said; "Doesn't family always come first father? We need to support each other...no matter what. I need you right now...please."

"Well what do you want me to do!", Garte shouted, getting up from his chair, slamming his hands on his desk. "I can't snap my fingers and make your brother appear, as much as I want to! I can't keep wishing that you're mother would come back either! I have you and only you now and I'm trying not to mess it up!"

Zane froze, taken a back from his father's words. Garte realized what he said and softened himself, slowly sitting back down. "I...I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"What do you mean you're trying not to mess it up?", Zane asked, slowly swimming over to him. Garte sighed and decided that honesty is what Zane needed at the moment. He took a deep breath before saying; "The last time I saw your mother, we got into an argument. She was upset and I drove her away...I don't even remember what we were arguing about. The next morning she was gone and I never saw her again. Now, I fought with Garroth, and in the morning he was gone. I didn't want to talk with you about it because...I was afraid of making you upset that you'd disappear from me too..."

"Father I-"

"No. It's alright,", He managed to get out, getting up to place a hand on his son's shoulder. "I'm sorry for not coming to you sooner and I promise to be a bit more present during all of this for you. I just..."

He trailed off, starting to get emotional. Zane for the first time saw his eyes glaze over and was overcome with emotion as well. He pulled his father into a hug, shocking the older man at first, who just hugged back. "We'll find him Father...I know we will."

"I know...just running out of options to look,", Garte huffed, parting from the hug. "Any suggestions?"

Zane had a thought...a crazy thought. One that sent chills up his spine. Garroth wouldn't be that stupid...he would. He most definitely would. He asked his father slowly; "Have you sent guards to scan the surface yet?"


Aphmau blinked her eyes open, the morning sun blaring into her room through her curtains. She sat up and stretched, smiling to herself, feeling happy. She was even more elated, see Garroth asleep next to her. He looked peaceful as his chest went up and down as he breathed. Aphmau wondered how he liked the bed, it most likely being different from the ones at home. She slowly slipped form out of the covers, tip-toeing out of the room, closing the door slowly behind her. She planned to make breakfast for everyone once they woke up so she had to be quick...

Ocean Blue Eyes//A Garmau AUWhere stories live. Discover now