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Aphmau and Aaron walked out of the research center that night, exhausted from a long day. Though, they were a little more tense than usual. The merman hadn't eaten the items they came up with. That means he's gone two straight days without consuming anything nutritional. The two were starting to just become worried because they didn't even know the last time he ate. 

"So...we can cross off almost all types of fish,", Aaron sighed, looking through the list in his notes as they made their way to their vehicles.  "We could try other methods tomorrow to maybe convince him to eat." 

Aphmau wasn't really listening. She was going through her own problem solving in her head. Aaron caught on to this and asked, stopping her; "You okay Aph? You seem unsettled." 

"Huh? Oh-I'm fine,", She assured him, adjusting her bag on her shoulder. "But, on what you were saying, I don't think forcing him to eat is the right decision. He's already here by accident. Why make him eat something that could potentially be harmful? It could make him also less comfortable in this new environment." 

Aaron frowned. He was already concerned for his friend. Over the past few years that he's known Aphmau, she was one to be overly caring towards the creatures they studied on. She always made sure that they were comfortable and in most situations it worked perfectly. The animals would corporate easily, helping researchers to find new information faster. He doubted it this time though. The last thing the team needs is someone who sets them back because they're afraid to make the subject "scared". He appreciated her open heart and empathetic nature but, in some cases, it needs to be put aside. 

"But, what if he starves himself? What if this is some sort of defense mechanism Aph? We can't just let him not eat,", Aaron exasperated.

Aphmau combed a piece of hair behind her ear and took a deep breath. The idea of even leaving the creature in a tank was making her feeling uneasy. She usually wouldn't get too much into thought about it when it was fish or dolphin. Maybe it was because he had a human face and features. 

"You're right Aaron...I just need to get used to everything. Sleep on it, you know?" 

Aaron chuckled and said; "Of course. I shouldn't keep you out here long. It's already getting late." 

Aphmau looked down at her purple watch and saw that it was a quarter to nine. That made her mentally groan, knowing that she would come home to a whining brother who wanted dinner.
"Thanks Aaron...have a good night!", She cheerfully said, waving to him. They parted ways and she hopped into her car.  


Aphmau stretched as she got out of her sedan, grabbing her bag from the backseat. As she pulled out her keys, she kept thinking about the merman and coming up with ideas on how to feed him. In doing so, it made her stomach growl. Probably because she went over time with no snack break. Opening the door, she could immediately tell something was off. Ein was in the living room where he usually was at this time...or all the time. In fact, in a separate room, she heard laughter. Confused, she placed her bag and keys on the hook rack by the door, making her way to where she heard the commotion. When she entered the kitchen and dining area, she froze, her ember eyes meeting blue. 

"K-Katelyn?", She asked. 

"Hey Aphmau!", The blue-haired girl exclaimed, getting to her feet to hug her tightly. "Long time no see! Has it been since the wedding?" 

Aphmau, stiffly, wrapped her arms around her as well to be polite. It's not like she didn't dislike her new step-sister, she just barely knew her. They've only met a couple of times. The first being Christmas two years prior with two of her brothers. It felt like they were too old to really bond like a sibling would. 

Ocean Blue Eyes//A Garmau AUWhere stories live. Discover now