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"Are you sure you're okay?", Katelyn asked, mildly concerned for her sister. "You look exhausted. We can always have dinner tomorrow."

"N-No! I'm fine!", Aphmau lied, snapping out of her thoughts. "I really want to hang out with you tonight and catch up."

"Same,", Katelyn smiled slightly.

The two of them entered a nice, affordable seafood restaurant. Aphmau knew the owners and wanted to support them. Katelyn luckily wasn't opposed to it. The girls were seated in the front by the window, a view of the sea and boardwalk in front of them. It was a beautiful summer night and it showed. Families were having a ball shopping, having ice cream, and making memories. Aphmau remembers when her mother would bring her to a stand not too far from here to get funnel cake every Sunday night when she finished her homework. The stand has since closed but, the moments remained implanted into her mind; permanent.

"It must've been nice growing up here,", Katelyn said, looking out the window. "Scaleswind City is very different from here. I mean...obviously. But, in subtle ways as well. The people here are way friendlier."

"Heh, I'm glad. I guess that's why I came back after college,", Aphmau admitted, shyly. "What do you do again?"

"Oh, I'm a criminal psychologist,", The older girl explained. "It's very interesting to dig deeper to find someone's motivations. What's it like to be a marine biologist?"

"Well, I'm just a lab assistant but, I love the field truly,", Aphmau answered.

"Welcome to The Salty Waves,", A waiter said with a smile, coming up to their table. "My name is Ivy and I'll be your server this evening. Have you found anything appetizing yet?"

The girls order their drinks and food all at once, thanks to the help of Aphmau who knew what was best. They continued their conversation, talking about their interests and personal life. Bread was then brought to the table along with their drinks. As they buttered up their bread, Katelyn asked; "How long has Ein been here?"

Aphmau, already a little uncomfortable, answered; "A few months. How was your day together?"

Katelyn frowned and said with a shrugged; "Um...it was interesting."

The ravenette shot her head up, looking at her sister with confusion. Not that she didn't have a straight yes answer to Ein but, the fact that she was admitting to it. Everyone else that hangs out with Ein and Aphmau asked, they would lie about what they thought of him. Katelyn wasn't necessarily sugar coating it and that's what drew Aphmau in.

"W-What do you mean?"

"It's just..he seemed so full of himself at times. Not that it wasn't a problem or-"

"No! No! I'm just glad you're noticing it too and it's not just me,", Aphmau assured her. "He's always sort've been like that...as long as I've known him anyway."

"How long have you've known him?"

"I knew of him almost my whole life but, we didn't formally meet until a few years ago when my parents tried to get along. It didn't work but, Ein somehow stayed. That's why he felt comfortable asking us for help."


Just then, their food arrived. It looked delicious and the two of them couldn't wait take the first few bites.

"I'm surprised you're comfortable eating seafood. Don't you want to protect the sea life?", Katelyn asked, chuckling.

"I only eat the fish that are eco-friendly. Like salmon and calms. Even that's rare,", Aphmau admitted. "I only eat it when it's for special occasions."

"I'm glad that I'm a special occasion,", Katelyn smiled back but, it soon disappeared. "You didn't know I was coming though, did you?"

Aphmau bit her lip and said honestly; "N-No..."

"Does Ein always treat you that way?"

"Like what way?"

"With disrespect? When ever I mentioned you today-and I don't want to stir the pot or anything-he changed the topic immediately. He acted like you weren't important to him,", The blue haired woman said. "I think...I think you're giving him to much kindness than he deserves."

"Maybe...I just don't want to give up on him you know?"

"Has he hurt you in any way?"

"Not physically if that's what you're wondering. He has caused me stress and frustration."

"I'm glad he hasn't made you seriously upset,", Katelyn sighed and slouched in her chair. "I know I've only had a conversation with you a few times but, I can already tell you're a kind person Aphmau. It's Ein I'm worried about."

"Well, I'm glad you're here to keep me company. He's well-behaved around you,", Aphmau winked, taking another bite.

Katelyn laughed and said; "You said that as if he were a five-year-old!"

"It's because he is!"

The two enjoyed the rest of the evening together, talking about future plans and what they could do tomorrow evening. Aphmau though, whenever she looked down at her plate, got a little knot in her stomach. She brushed it off and ignored it, knowing that there was no real harm. Besides, she wanted to get to know her new sister. She could already tell that she was amazing.

Word Count: 867

Ocean Blue Eyes//A Garmau AUWhere stories live. Discover now