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Zane was in his room, looking through papers and books. He needed some distraction. Since Garroth's disappearance, he wasn't given much to do. Just sit by and wait for something to come up.

"Zane?", He heard a soft voice ask. He looked back to see his loving girlfriend, Nana. Her bubblegum-pink hair swirled around her in the water, her eyes sparkling as usual. "Hello love,", He smiled, swimming over to her and pecking her on the lips. "Why do I have the pleasure of this visit?"

She giggled and just hooked her arms around his neck, saying; "I'm just checking on you. You haven't really said anything the past couple of days."

"What do you mean? I'm constantly talking about the search and checking in on-"

"To me. You're not talking to me much the past couple of days,", She clarified, rest her hands on his chest, a frown now on her face. "This whole time you've been struggling with this by yourself. You're father isn't being much help to you either. You're stressed all the time and I can tell. Now, tell me what's going on. How are you, really?"

Zane bit his lip. This girl always made him weak. Making him say what he really wanted to. That's why he loved her so much... He felt his eyes sting and it wasn't from the salt water. He buried his head into her shoulder, feeling slightly pathetic when he did so. His shoulder shook as he let out a single sob, saying to her; "I miss him...I miss him so much."

Nana wrapped her arms around him, comforting him as best she could. She didn't expect him to break down like this. All she knew what to do was let him talk; "Everything is so different without him here. Everything around here just reminds me of him. Mom wasn't this painful...because I didn't know her. But, I knew him my whole life...and he's gone."

"He'll come back,", Nana assured him, lifting his head so she could look him in the eyes. "He loves you too much to just leave you."

"We've looked everywhere Nana...no other kingdom has seen him either. I'm terrified...because the only explanation I can come with is..is..."

He let out sobs again, not being able to hold them back anymore. Nana cupped both his cheeks, rubbing her thumbs comfortingly across his cheeks. "Don't say things like that Zane. It'll just make things worst. Garroth is still out there and you just have to believe in him."

"I know but it's hard."

"Maybe you should talk to your father,", She suggested. "You two could possibly relate more on this situation and build up on each other."

Zane groaned, rolling his eyes. The last couple times he's tried to talk to his father has ended with them just having small talk or him exploding on him. Now, he's giving his father the silent treatment. "You know I can't do that."

"But Zane-"

"He barely ever talked about Mom to me or Garroth. Why would he talk about this to me?"

"Because your his son. And you deserve his comfort."

"How's be going to make up twenty-four years of that?"

She shrugged, admitting she didn't know the answer to that. "You can start now."

Zane just shook his head, saying; "I'll pass. But thank you...for listening to me."

"Of course,", She smiled. "I'll listen all you want."


Aphmau, Garroth, and Vylad jumped a bit on the couch as Katelyn and Aaron returned. "They're everywhere,", Aaron warned. "On the beach, the streets, the boardwalk..."

"What are we going to do?", Vylad asked, standing up from the couch.

"I don't know. We can't return Garroth right now to the sea since we could still get caught. We should wait till everything dials down."

Everyone looked to Garroth who just smiled slightly and nodded saying; "I wouldn't want to put anyone in danger. So, I'm totally fine waiting."

The blonde was just relieved to be out of that tank. Sure, he was still getting used to this new body but, at least there was a sense of freedom with it. Aphmau though, was slightly concerned about a few things. "Do you think Dr. Vick suspects us of taking him?"

"I have no doubt that he does but," Aaron sighed, combing his hair back, "if we just stay here, I don't think we have anything to worry about."

Then, Aphmau thought of Ein. For the first time in a while granted but, she did nonetheless. She was worried that if they went to her house, Ein would spill where their location was. Garroth noticed that wave of concern in her face and asked her gently; "Is everything okay?"

She just tightened her lips into a smile and nodded, saying reassuringly; "I'm  good. Just thinking."

Everyone was aware of her dip in mood but, they knew she would be more upset if they brought it up. She kept her composure and said, standing up; "Well, just because there are officers all over the place, doesn't mean we can't have some fun."

Confused, Vylad asked; "What do you plan to do? We can't go outside! They know what you, Aaron, and Garroth look like!"

Aphmau tapped her chin and thought for moment before getting an idea. "Well, they are looking for a merman. Not a human. So, if we go out with Garroth now, they might not recognize him. Plus, we might lower suspicion if they see us without a merman just walking around like nothing is happening."

"Yeah...but they can still recognize his face,", Aaron added, pointing to Garroth. Aphmau rolled her eyes playfully and smirked; "A hat and sunglasses will do."

The others didn't know what to say. Garroth was the most lost in this conversation. What did she mean by leaving? He could barely walk! Part of him wanted to go though. What other merfolk could say he went to surface? Well...his mom but, she didn't plan on going back anytime soon. He though understood why the others were nervous. If they got caught, they could get in serious legal trouble. Aphmau looked at him softly and said; "You wanted to see the surface, right?"

"Y-Yeah but we-"

"No. You deserve some fun. Is everyone with me?"

Aaron sighed but, agreed. "But if we get one strange look from one of those officers, I'm out."

"Same here,", Katelyn spoke out, crossing her arms. "I do think though that Garroth does deserve this."

The blonde smiled at his new friends, thankful that they cared about him this much to do this for him. Everyone then glanced at Vylad who just smirked and said; "He's my brother isn't he? I'm gonna look out for him. So let's do it."


"Okay Gar,", Zianna said gently, taking his arms, "just one foot in front of the other. Go slow if you need to. It took me a while to get used to them too."

Garroth, still feeling a little off with his mother, accepted the help and finally got off the couch. He felt himself begin to fall but, Aaron was right next to him to help him steady. "Alright bud. You've got this." He placed a black Nike baseball hat on his head, handing him a pair of sunglasses. "You probably would've needed them anyway. With your blue eyes and all."

"Thanks Aaron,", Garroth said, genuinely grateful for his help. He started taking a few steps, his mom helping for a few but then started doing them himself. Zianna clapped quietly to herself as she watched with a bright smile. Aphmau, Vylad, and Katelyn cheered for him, happy that he was able to get the hang of it. "I'll wait till I start running,", He admitted, clutching onto the kitchen counters for a little assistance since he still wasn't perfect.

"Good enough for us,", Aphmau grinned, grabbing her bag. "Ready to head out?"

Garroth nodded, Aphmau taking his arm to help him down the stairs from the apartment. Katelyn and Aaron were close behind while Vylad stayed behind for a moment. He looked to his mom, asking; "Are you planning on talking to him more?"

She exhaled and answered; "I don't think he wants to..."

"He deserves more answers. You know that."

They didn't say anything else, Vylad taking his leave. Zianna remained still though, thinking about her choices up to this point.

Word Count: 1410

Ocean Blue Eyes//A Garmau AUWhere stories live. Discover now