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Laurance and Blaze swam into the throne room after another failed day searching for Garroth. The entire castle was made of sandstone, making the walls look like marble of different hues of brown. The room they entered though was probably the most gorgeous one in the entire structure. It was detailed with gold and sea glass, cravings of O'Khasis' history were along the wall. King Garte was sitting on his throne made of sandstone, matching the room with seashells and the same glass, looking distraught and exhausted. Zane was by his side, looking up as the two came in.

"Anything?", He asked.

The two shook their heads, disappointed in themselves even without the look of disproval from the king. Garte didn't understand how the two of them could let Garroth and Zane slip away unnoticed that night. He questioned the whole security team to be honest. Not only that, he was upset at Zane for agreeing to go along with Garroth. Maybe if Zane had stayed, it would've encouraged his other son to do the same.

"We've searched the tunnels for miles but, we couldn't even find a trace of him. Lady Lucinda and Hyria have sent word to the Octopus clang of Pikoro to start a search party for him. Our other advisors have also sent word to Scaleswind and Falconclaw as well,", Laurance explained, gripping his sword out of anxiousness. He knew Garte would never hurt him but, it was more of a nervous habit. "We are trying everything we can to bring him home."

"Well try harder! Search in any possible route in those tunnels! Search in every direction from O'Khasis! Bring translators and ask the small fish colonies in the nearby coral reefs if you have to! I don't want anything to be left unchecked!", Garte demanded, aggressively.

Zane, seeing that seemed to frighten his two friends, placed a hand on his father to try and calm him down. It didn't help much but, it at least silenced him for the moment.

"What my father is trying to say,", Zane spoke professionally, holding his head high; "is that we should search any possible locations that Garroth maybe passed on his journey. We can't just assume he's still in those tunnels."

"Yes your highness,", Blaze bowed.

They took their orders and swam off. Zane turned back to his father and said; "You need to take a breath. Yelling isn't going to solve anything."

"I'm Garroth's father, just as much as I am your's and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure he's safe,", Garte said, sternly, getting out of his throne and swimming down the hall to get somewhere. But, Zane held him back.

"You need to understand that Garroth is not a child. He's has advance sword training and knows his way to survive in multiple environments. He can handle himself,", He said, looking straight into his father's eyes.

"Then why isn't he back yet? If Garroth is able to handle himself, he would've been here by now!", Garte hissed, faced flushed, having it with his son. "I'm not only your king but, your father! I will not rest until I have Garroth back!"

"But, father, all I'm saying-", Zane tried to calm him down again, but failed.

"I lost your mother and I'm not losing him either!", Garte shouted.

The room felt like it shook. Zane froze, realizing that it had escalated too far. His father barely mentioned his mother and when he did, he was brief. He knew how sensitive he was about it so he never pressured anything out. Garte seemed to notice the dead silence in the room and sighed;

"I...I'm sorry. Just...let me do this,", He was quiet afterwards, not another word came out before he swam out of the room.

Zane watched as he did so and when he was gone, he was still stiff. He crossed his arms, thinking about the events that played out moments before. He didn't realize that the door opened again slowly. A pink-haired mermaid poked her head into the room, a frown on her face. Her narrow, bright eyes and pale skin was usually enchanting to look at but, the light was diminished after hearing the argument from outside the door. As she swam in, her fuchsia colored tail shined in the room and her scales ran all the way up her chest, exposing only her back and part of her belly. Her ears and fins matched the tail with a gold glitter, accenting them. On her arms and wrist, she wore gold bracelets that were molded into koi fish, giving the illusion that they were gliding across her skin.
Nonetheless she was beautiful and the moment she swam into the room, Zane turned and greeted her with a smile;

Ocean Blue Eyes//A Garmau AUWhere stories live. Discover now