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Aphmau nervously guided the higher ups into the tank room. She didn't want Garroth to freak out but, she already was so she wouldn't blame him. When she opened the doors, Garroth turned, expecting to see only her and Aaron but, got confused seeing the others. Dr. Vick awed in astonishment seeing him. Aphmau was relieved, seeing that he didn't come off as a major "merman killer" to her. Then again, she was still cautious as he approached the tank. Garroth on the other hand was completely thrown off.

Who are these people? Are they here to replace Aphmau and Aaron? Why is this man getting so close?

"He looks so remarkable! Like nothing I've seen before!", Dr. Vick said, turning to Aphmau and Aaron. "What's his name? Does he have one?"

"H-His name is Garroth, sir,", Aphmau explained, still a little nervous. "Is it alright though if I tell him what's going on? He seems a little confused."

"Oh! Of course! Go right ahead!", The man said kindly.

Aphmau thanked him and ran up to the top of the tank, letting Aaron keep the researchers company. Garroth joined her, reaching the surface.

"Aphmau, what's going on?", He asked immediately.

"These guys are really high regarded researchers in my field. They've come to join the project,", Aphmau explained as quickly and calmly as possible. "I'm keeping an eye on them though, so don't worry too much. Just do as they say as long as it doesn't scream danger, if you know what I mean."

"O-Okay,", Garroth sighed. When he looked up at Aphmau though, the direction of his attention changed. Her cheek was a little bit more red than the other, causing some concern. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yes!", Aphmau quickly answered, remembering what happened this morning, unaware though that some of her makeup had rubbed off. "Why do you ask?"

"You have a red marking on your cheek. I get those too but, only when something hits me hard. I don't know how human skin reacts to being touched so, I didn't know if it was a serious or not,", Garroth said, shrugging. Aphmau never thought about it but, thinking about how gravity works under water, something would have to be really strong or heavy to cause a marking. Now she kind of wished that it was the same here...

"Well, thanks for your concern but, I'm fine. I promise,", She smiled. "I'm gonna bring these people up but, give me a sign if they are making you uncomfortable."

Garroth nodded and watched as she rushed back down stairs. In few moments, the whole group returned, their gaze not falling off of him. He's never had this many eyes on him at once in a long time...and he was royalty for crying out loud. Dr. Vick was the first to approach him and Garroth was immediately getting some red flags from him. But, he chalked it up as him just being introduced to more people. Dr. Vick got on one kneel and looked at Garroth's face closely.

"Amazing,", He breathed out. "Ms. Shalashaska, do you know if all mer-species look like this?"

"If you mean gender wise, no. He's told me that there are also female but, he hasn't told me about scale patters, colors, and things like that. I can ask him later if you would like,", She answer him. She decided it wasn't too much of a serious question.

"That'd be perfect, thank you,", He said before turning back to Garroth. He asked him in an over-pronounced manner; "How are you feeling today?"

Garroth gave him a look, already being insulted. Aphmau and Aaron bit their lips to prevent themselves from laughing. Garroth sighed, smirking at him before mocking him saying; "I'm fine. Are you feeling alright today though? You're supposed to be smart, I heard. So, it concerns me that you don't know how to speak in a proper speed."

Ocean Blue Eyes//A Garmau AUWhere stories live. Discover now